International Workshop on Modeling and Simulation of Semiconductor Nanostructures and Energy Nano-Devices(2014/7/25)


The theme of the workshop is theoretical and computational approaches for sustainable nano-fabrication engineering, aiming in advanced semiconductor nanostructure and nano-devices for the future. This event is mainly focus on the fusion of modeling and simulation to fundamental material research and emerging electronics, photonics, and nano-energy applications.


Date, Time and Venue

Date & Time: July 25, 2014, 9:00-17:30
Venue: 5F Seminar Room, IFS Bldg 2, Katahira Campus, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan
     ("C10" building in Campus map)



Core Technology Consortium for Advanced Energy Devices
Innovative Energy Research Center, Institute of Fluid Science, Tohoku University
Frontier Process Society



09:00-12:00 (including 20 minutes break)
     Prof. Oleksandr Voskoboynikov (National Chiao Tung Univ.)
     “Physics, Modeling and Simulation of the Optical Response of Layers of Semiconductor Nano-Objects”


     Prof. Juin J. Liou (University of Central Florida)
     "Challenges of Electrostatic Discharge Protection in Si Nanowire Technology"


14:30-17:30 (including 20 minutes break)
     Dr. Blanka Magyari-Kope (Stanford Univ.)
     “Ab initio simulation techniques and applications of density functional theory to study interface and defect induced properties in transition metal oxides and their implications for electronic devices”




Workshop Chair: Prof. Seiji Samukawa

Program Chair: Prof. Yiming Li

Program Co-Chair: Associate Prof. Tomohiro Kubota



Please e-mail to "consortium* (replace * with @)" with subject of “Participation in the seminar in 25th July 2014” until 11th July.


Registration fee

1,000 JPY (please pay by cash on site).