Kids symposium

Hello everyone! I am master grade 1 student from china, HOU.

November 13th I helped the work on kids symposium in Sendai science museum.This was the first time I attend a public activity in our research group,I had been very excited.From the morning we carried the tools and instruments and assembled the scaffold,it was a very busy morning.

With the cute children coming,Prof.Maruyama started his speech.At first I was little bit worried about if children can understand such a difficult title,but professor's graph and picture was very easy to understand and children seemed to be happy.

Prof.Komiya's lesson was even more difficult than the morning one!Not only the theory was complicate,the experiment device was also not so easy to assemble.I also had a try and got a failure…however thanks to Prof.Komiya and thermal viewer,children did the experiment very happily.We also relieved at this point.

At night we arrange the instrument,the busy day finished.Staff bento was so delicious…