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53th Japan Heat Transfer Symposium

This is Hikaru YAMADA

53th Japan Heat Transfer Symposium was held in Osaka city, from May 24th ` 26th.
The participants form our laboratory were the professors, Mr. Moriya, Dr. Chen, Mr. Kogawa and me.
In addition to, the members graduated from our laboratory, who were Prof. Gonome, Prof. Shoji and
Prof. Okabe, also participated in this conference. Researchers in heat transfer from all over the archipelago discussed their research in this conference.
It was fruitful for me to present my research result and to listen to other people's research results in this conference.

I thought our laboratory's members presented our research result well and discussed with other researchers well in this conference.
Especially, Dr. Kogawa won the Good presentation Award and Prof. Gonome received the Incentive Award from Heat Transfer Society of Japan. ‡€Congratulations !h
Then, The happiest event for me was I watched some magic shows in the Magic bar@hA-omoroh.
If I participated in other conference in other city, I would want to go to watch other magic show.