import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np # == Parameters == # [Center of the circle in z-plane] xc,yc = -0.1,0.2 # [Joukowski mapping parameter: \zeta = z + a*a/z] a = 0.8 # [Angle of Attack in z- and \zeta-planes] alpha = 10.0*np.pi/180.0 # 10[degree] is converted to [radian] # == Coodinate points of z=x+i*y == size = 5.0 x1d = np.arange(-size,size,0.01) y1d = x1d x,y = np.meshgrid(x1d,y1d) # Making 2D mesh of (x,y) z = x + 1j*y # z = x + i*y (1j is an imaginary unit in Python) zc = xc + 1j*yc # center of the circle in z-plane # == Fixed parameters == U = 1.0 # Velocity of the uniform flow R = np.sqrt((np.abs(xc)+a)*(np.abs(xc)+a)+yc*yc) # Radius of the circle in z-plane beta = np.arcsin(yc) # complex angle of the circle center in z-plane expa = np.exp(-1j*alpha) # = exp[-i*\alpha] expa2 = np.exp(2j*alpha) # = exp[2i*\alpha] Gamma = -4.0*np.pi*a*U*np.sin(alpha + beta) # Circulation determined by the Kutta condition # Gamma = -4.0*np.pi*a*U*np.sin(alpha + beta) - 5.0 # If the circulation does not satisfy the Kutta condition... # == Define potential in z-plane (flow around the circle with circulation) == W = U*expa*((z - zc) + R*R*expa2/(z - zc)) - 1j*Gamma/(2.0*np.pi)*np.log((z - zc)*expa/R) # == Im(W) is the streamline function == Psi = np.where(np.abs((z - zc))<=R, 0.0, W.imag) # Remove streamline inside the circle # == Define surface shape in z-plane (circle with the center at zc=xc+i*yc) body = R*np.exp(-1j*np.linspace(-np.pi,np.pi,100))+zc # == Joukowski mapping == zeta = lambda z: (z+a*a/z) # == Calculate lift == rho = 1.0 L = -rho*Gamma*U # Kutta-Joukowski Theorem !! print('Lift=', L, ' (density=1.0 is assumed)') # What about the drag...? # == Plots == fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,5)) # == z-plane (flow around the circle) == ax1 = fig.add_subplot(1,2,2) clines = np.arange(-4.0,4.0,0.1) # Define contour lines for streamline (Im(W)=\Psi) ax1.contour(zeta(z).real,zeta(z).imag,Psi,levels=clines,colors='blue',linestyles='-',linewidths=0.5) # Streamline ax1.plot(zeta(body).real,zeta(body).imag,color='black') # Surface of the body xr=3. ax1.set_xlabel('$\\xi$') ax1.set_ylabel('$\\eta$') ax1.set_xlim(-xr,xr) ax1.set_ylim(-xr,xr) ax1.set_aspect('equal') ax1.set_title('$\\zeta$-plane') # == \zeta-plane (flow around the airfoil) == ax2 = fig.add_subplot(1,2,1) clines = np.arange(-4.0,4.0,0.1) ax2.contour(z.real,z.imag,Psi,levels=clines,colors='green',linestyles='-',linewidths=0.5) # Streamline ax2.plot(body.real,body.imag,color='black') # Surface of the body xr=3. ax2.set_xlabel('$x$') ax2.set_ylabel('$y$') ax2.set_xlim(-xr,xr) ax2.set_ylim(-xr,xr) ax2.set_title('$z$-plane') ax2.set_aspect('equal') # inline execution (e.g., jupyter notebook) #fig.savefig('Joukowski.pdf') # if run as a main script (i.e., python and get .pdf file print('Plot completed => Joukowski.pdf')