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Introduction about Project Base
About the COE
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Project Base Foundation Plan
Research Programs
Educational Programs
COE News
International Symposium & Seminar
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The COE aims to cultivate human resources who have the high practical application capability and international outlook to contribute to the continuous development of human society and flow dynamics study.

We plan to raise world-class leaders for the next generation by way of concentrated investment to graduate students and young researchers by COE programs through the active use of the research facilities such as Transdisciplinary Fluid Integration Research Center and Fluid COE of Institute of Fluid Science, that we have established by practicing the policy of Tohoku University "Research has the priority".

We aim at cultivating the leading human resources with a global view and advanced expertise who can achieve world's most advanced research results by systematically developing and utilizing the overseas bases such as Academic Liaison Offices, sister universities, and joint-research universities which we constructed in order to fulfill one of the principle of Tohoku University, "Open University to the World and Community".

Additionally, we invite flow dynamics researchers through the utilization of our liaison offices as an implementation of Tohoku University's "open-door policy".

As described above, we conduct advanced educational programs, which we, department or institute, can not achieve alone, by way of systematically integrating the higher educational system of Graduate School of Environmental Studies and Graduate School of Engineering and Department of Aeronautics and Space Engineering, abundant infrastructures which belong to Institute of Fluid Science, our expanding global network, collaboration with industries, and our domestic research network.


Copyright(c)2003 International COE of FLOW Dynamics