Dear Colleagues,
We are glad to announce the 3rd Virtual Intracranial
Stenting Challenge (VISC09). The objective of this year’s challenge is to assess the ability of
engineering teams with expertise in computational haemodynamics in providing
clinical partners with valuable pre-treatment information within the time
constraints of an elective endovascular intervention.
The VISC09 will be carried out over the month of August 2009 and will be
presented during a moderated poster session in occasion of the 6th Intracranial Stenting Meeting (ICS09) to be held on Aug 5th-7th 2009 in Sendai, Japan.
The teams interested in participating to the challenge will be given
access to patient and stent data and will be expected to perform 3D vascular
geometry reconstruction, virtual stent deployment and hemodynamic simulation,
possibly using the provided flow information. The output of each team will be
an independent analysis illustrating advantages and disadvantages of each candidate
stent for the selected patient. The results will be provided to the VISC
committee in the form of a poster, whose standard format will be soon available
on the VISC website. Deadline for poster submission will be May 31, 2009.
Each poster will be then displayed in the occasion of the ICS09 in Sendai
and peer-reviewed by all attendances including expert clinicians and engineering researchers. During a special session, the
VISC committee and you will present the approach and the major findings of each
poster and will select a maximum of 2 questions/suggestions provided by the
clinicians to interview the attending teams. A separate roundtable discussion
between attending teams and interested clinicians will be also organized.
Reviews will be made available to the teams who won’t be able to attend to the
conference, although teams are strongly encouraged to participate to the
Please take a moment to download the
guidelines, where you will find information on how to register to the challenge
and obtain access rights to the patient and stent data. We anticipate that the
interaction between teams to jointly achieve the goals of the challenge is
encouraged. Please feel free to contact
Makoto Ohta (
or Toshio Nakayama (
should you have any comment or doubt.
Yours Sincerely,
The VISC committee
Makoto Ohta, Institute of fluid Science, Tohoku University
Toshio Nakayama,
Tohoku University
Alessandro G.
Radaelli, PMS
Luca Augsburger,
Geneva University,
Juan R. Cebral, George Mason University