Flow dynamics is a basic research field that deals with physical phenomena appearing in wide spatial and temporal scales. Also, it involves various applications including keys to solve serious problems in this century - about environment, energy, safety, biology, transportation, etc. The "World Center of Education and Research for Trans-dsciplinary Flow Dynamics," Tohoku University, is selected as a Global COE (Center of Excellence) Program, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science. The Fifth International Conference on Flow Dynamics, from September 17 to 19, 2008, is now planned aiming to deepen understanding about cutting edge research results, and to foster young researchers in the area of flow dynamics. As kick-off events of the Global COE program, sessions are held to develop new fields of 'trans-disciplinary flow dynamics' and to discuss education research using a 'multi-stage global network.' This international conference would provide unique opportunities for promoting discussions and information exchange on this attractive subject.
We cordially invite specialists in the related research and development fields to participate in the conference.