We, the people living in the 21st century
are now facing at big risks as global warming, shortage of food and energy,
epidemic diseases, local starvation, poverty, and so on. In the mean time, we are always dreaming and
making very best efforts for the progress of civilization by realizing higher
quality of life and welfare. For that
reason, people are placing high expectations on the technology development in
the frontier fields as state-of-the-art medical sciences, life sciences, IT,
space technology, aviation technology, oceanology, and so forth.
"Flow Dynamics" is a comprehensive scientific field which deals with the flow and transport phenomena concerning to quantum wave, air, any fluid, any material, energy and information. "Flow Dynamics" is expected to contribute to
the society by challenging such crucial and unexplored tasks as above, and producing
solutions for people’s better life and dreams.
"The Sixth International Conference on Flow Dynamics", from 4th to 6th of November in Sendai, is now planned, aiming to explore new science horizon and cutting edge technologies of "Flow Dynamics", and to provide young researchers with unique opportunities of experience and self-development in this very attractive and very competitive field of "Flow Dynamics".
We cordially invite you, the researchers
and technologists, to participate in this conference.