This conference consists of the following professional sessions. If you
have questions and requests
about the session of your interest, please contact the ICFD2010 secretariat
or organizers.
General Session:
GS1: General Session on Multi-Scale Flow Dynamics
M. Nakano, T. Sato (Tohoku University)
Organized Sessions:
OS1: Fluid Dynamics Aspects of Environmentally Advantageous Hybrid Rockets
T. Shimada (JAXA), K. Sawada (Tohoku University)
OS2:Aviation Research in Aspects of Environment
S. Obayashi, K. Asai (Tohoku University) and S. Watanabe (JAXA)
OS3: Advanced Control of Smart Fluids and Fluid Flows
Organizer: M. Nakano, Y. Fukunishi (Tohoku University)
OS4: Flow Dynamics in Fluid Machinery
T. Ikohagi, S. Yamamoto (Tohoku University) and M. Nohmi (Ebara Corporation)
OS5: Molecular and Nanoscale Phenomena in Fluids and Interfaces
T. Ohara (Tohoku University), M. Shibahara (Osaka University)
OS6: Flow Dynamics in Thermal Science &Technology
S. Maruyama, T. Ohara (Tohoku University)
OS7: The Sixth International Students / Young Birds Seminar on Multi-Scale Flow
Organizer: Y. Nishio
G. Yamamoto,Y. Shimizu
Supervisor: J. Mizusaki, A. Komiya, K. Sato and Y. Iga
Further Information
Planned Sessions:(General papers will not be accepted.)
PS1: Workshop on Sustainable Atomization and Spray Technology (AFI/TFI-2010)
J. Ishimoto (Tohoku University)
PS2:Workshop on Functional Plasma Flow Dynamics and its Systems
Organizer: H. Nishiyama (Tohoku University), Y. Okuno (Tokyo Institute of Technology) and
M. Tanaka (Osaka University)
PS3: International Seminar on Maintenance Science and Technology for Nuclear
Power Plants
T.Takagi, H. Hashizume (Tohoku University)
Further Information
PS4: 4th Functionality DEsign of the COntact Dynamics: (DECO2010)
T. Takagi, H. Miki (Tohoku University) and Julien Fontaine (LTDS, France)
PS5: IFS Collaborative Research Forum (AFI/TFI-2010)
J. Ishimoto (Tohoku University)
PS6: Liaison Office Session
T. Takagi, M. Ohta (Tohoku University)