One year has passed since the last Great East Japan Earthquake struck Tohoku
area on March 11, 2011. Severe damages caused by the earthquake
and tsunami, and the consequential disaster by the crippled Fukushima Dai-ichi
Nuclear Power Plant, still leave some areas of Tohoku, as being overwhelmed and
uninhabitable. Although the situation
in Sendai now is perfectly normal as well as its radiation level is, we are
still in a stage of preparation for the stabilized cooling of the nuclear power
We appreciate the great support and help provided
by the people of the world, our lives in Sendai have returned quickly to a
stable and ordinary state. Actually for
the last Eighth ICFD held in November 2011, contrary to our pessimistic
forecast, six hundred (600) people, including over two hundred (200) from
abroad, gathered together in Sendai. We
are proud of what we have done in the past for the extension of the boundary of
Flow Dynamics, and we will keep going for the future of Flow Dynamics and
pursue finding out solutions for improved welfare of the people of the world.
Flow Dynamics is a comprehensive scientific
field which deals with various flows and transport phenomena, ranging from
nano-scale flows such as behavior of electrons, atoms, molecules and ions to
gigantic scale flows such as solar radiation, air and water flows on the globe,
volcanic activities, typhoon, tsunami etc.
Theoretically, such phenomena are well covered by Newtonian, molecular
and quantum dynamics.
The Ninth International Conference on Flow
Dynamics (ICFD2012), in the annual series, which is supported by Tohoku
University Global COE Program gWorld Center of Education and Research for
Trans-disciplinary Flow Dynamicsh will
be held on September 19th through 21st, 2012 at Hotel Metropolitan Sendai,
Sendai, Japan. The objectives of this
conference are not only to explore new horizon by discussing matters in the
most advanced academic fields, or exchanging information in cutting edge
technologies in Flow Dynamics, but also to provide young researchers and
students with unique opportunities of being educated and self-development
through their proactive participation to the conference.
We cordially invite you scholars, researchers, engineers, educationists, students and planners, exploring and studying in the relevant research and development fields of bio-, nano-, material, energy, environmental, planetary and earth sciences and technologies, particularly in the academic field of mechanical engineering, aerospace engineering, nuclear science and engineering, physics, medical science and engineering, chemistry, chemical engineering and so on, to join the conference.