Twelfth International Conference on Flow Dynamics October 27 - 29, 2015, Sendai, Miyagi, JAPAN
Twelfth International Conference on Flow Dynamics (ICFD2015) , in the annual
series since 2004, will be held on October 27th through 29th at the Sendai
International Center, Sendai, Japan. The Objectives of this conference
are to explore new horizons in science by discussing and exchanging information
related to the most advanced scientific fields and to cutting edge technologies
in Flow Dynamics. ICFD is now recognized by the world researchers and engineers
as one of the biggest and the most important conference in the field of
Flow Dynamics. It has also been playing an important role of initiating
international research collaborations. It should be noted that ICFD provides
young researchers and students with unique opportunities to be educated
and self-developed through proactive participation in the conference.
first nine ICFDs were hosted by two Tohoku University COE programs, "The
21st Century International COE on Fluid Dynamics (21COE, Year 2003 - Year
2007)" and its successor "Global COE Program World Center of
Education and Research for Trans-disciplinary Flow Dynamics (GCOE, Year
2008 - Year 2012)". The Institute of Fluid Science (IFS), Tohoku University,
was the principal operating body for both 21COE and GCOE, the latter which
came to end in March 2013. In 2013, on the occasion of its 70th anniversary,
IFS was regenerated as an even more powerful research institute, particularly
in energy-related research, with three new flow research divisions and
the Innovative Energy Research Center. In this new movement, IFS has continued
to support this conference series, and ICFDs were held annually in 2013
and 2014. We pledge to maintain ICFD's dynamism and spirit as a meeting
for present-day distinguished scientists of Flow Dynamics as well as for
future generations of scientists.
Dynamics is a comprehensive scientific field which deals with flow and
transport phenomena concerning molecules, electrons and nanoscale particles,
any continuum fluids, any materials, energy, information, economic activities
and so forth. It addresses multiscale, multiphysics and multidisciplinary
problems and deals with all natural phenomena including bio processes,
corrosion, weather, volcanic eruptions, earth magnetic field and tectonic
motions, and in most human activities such as industrial processes, energy
production & saving, and transportation. The ICFD is expected to play
a significant role in helping Flow Dynamics to become a major academic
discipline which deals with various difficult tasks by which human society
is faced, such as control of nuclear power generators, global warming,
energy, resource, diseases. Scientists and engineers, who are working or
interested in such areas, please participate in the ICFD2015 and extend
your domains and human network.
works as a platform of discussion to reach scientific truth and engineering
solutions for all the flow-relevant problems. Participants will know when
they come to Sendai that a wide variety of sessions are opened to provide
the seeds and to fulfill the needs from a viewpoint of flow. We cordially
invite scholars, researchers, educationists, students and planners exploring
and studying in the relevant research and development fields of bio-, nano-,
material, energy, environmental, planetary and earth sciences and technologies,
particularly in the academic fields of mechanical engineering, aerospace
engineering, nuclear engineering, physics, medical science and engineering,
chemistry, chemical engineering and all the other areas. After the East
Japan Great Earthquake and Disaster in March, 2011, Sendai and the vicinities
are definitely recovering, although the speed of recovery depends on the
area. Fortunately, activities of Tohoku University as well as the lives
of people living in the city are already at the pre-disaster level. It
is a beautiful season in Sendai. We believe that you will enjoy comfortable
atmosphere of autumn in Sendai.
Taku OHARA, Professor
Institute of Fluid Science, Tohoku University
XinGang Liang, Professor
Depeartment of Engineering Mechanics,
School of Aerospace Engineering, Tsinghua University
General Co-Chairs, ICFD2015