
Research map(Takehiko Sato)


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2023.10.28 Airi Nakayama (M2) The 7th Taiwan-Japan Workshop on Plasma Life Science and Technology (TJPL7) Best Poster Award
2023.10.28 Jiun-Shian Lee (D1) The 7th Taiwan-Japan Workshop on Plasma Life Science and Technology (TJPL7) Excellent Poster Award
2023.9.11 Takehiko Sato (Professor) Achievement Award, The Institute of Electrostatics Japan
2023.7.25 Takehiko Sato (Professor) Environmental Engineering Award for International Activity, Environmental Engineering Division, The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
2022.11.9 Airi Nakayama (M1) 19th International Conference on Flow Dynamics (ICFD2022) OS8 Student Best Presentation Award
2022.9.8 Siwei Liu (Assistant Professor) Masuda Award, The Institute of Electrostatics Japan
2021.12.11 Siwei Liu (Assistant Professor) The 12th Asia-Pacific International Symposium on the Basics and Applications of Plasma Technology (APSPT-12) Best Paper Award
2021.10.29 Airi Nakayama (B4) 18th International Conference on Flow Dynamics (ICFD2021) Best Presentation Award for Young Researcher, OS8 Best Presentation Award
2021.4.22 Takehiko Sato (Professor), Tomoki Nakajima (Technical Staff), Kairi Muramatsu (graduated master's course) etc. Best Paper Award, The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
2021.3.19 Airi Nakayama (B3) Best Presentation Award in OIST Science Challenge in 2021
2020.10.30 Mu-Chien Wu (D) 17th International Conference on Flow Dynamics (ICFD2020) OS8 Student Best Presentation Award
2019.9.12 Satoshi Uehara (Assistant Professor) Masuda Award, The Institute of Electrostatics Japan
2019.7.13 Chia-Hsing Chang (D) The 6th Japan-Taiwan Workshop on Plasma Life Science and Technology (JTPL2019) Best Poster Presentation Award
2019.7.13 Mu-Chien Wu (D) The 6th Japan-Taiwan Workshop on Plasma Life Science and Technology (JTPL2019) Best Poster Presentation Award
2019.6.27 Chia-Hsing Chang (D) The International Workshop on Environmental Engineering 2019 (IWEE2019) Best Poster Presentation Award
2019.6.27 Kairi Muramatsu (M2) The International Workshop on Environmental Engineering 2019 (IWEE2019) Best Poster Presentation Award
2019.6.27 Satoshi Uehara (Assistant Professor) Fellowship Award, 29th JSME Symposium on Environmental Engineering, The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers