
Tohoku University, System Energy Maintenance Laboratory, Takagi・Kosukegawa Laboratory and Miki Laboratory (IFS)

Photo Gallery「彩り。」(2017)

Takagi lab. photo gallery「彩り。」debt
We will be here with the latest information soon!

2017, December

Zhuo DIAO Sendai,Atago shrine

Zhuo DIAO Sendai,Atago shrine

Zhuo DIAO Sendai, Jozenji street

Zhuo DIAO Sendai, Jozenji street

Zhuo DIAO Sendai, Tohoku University, Katahira campus

Zhuo DIAO Sendai, Tohoku University, Katahira campus

Zhuo DIAO Sendai, Tohoku University, Katahira campus

2017, Nuvember

Zhuo DIAO Sendai,Shoraku-ji temple

Zhuo DIAO Sendai,Atago-shrine

Zhuo DIAO Sendai, Shoraku-ji temple

Zhuo DIAO Sendai, Atago shrine

Zhuo DIAO Sendai, Kosho-ji temple

2017, October

Zhuo DIAO Sendai, Katahira

Zhuo DIAO Sendai

System Energy Maintenance Labolatory

institute of Fluid Science, Tohoku University
Innovative Energy Research Center
2-1-1, Katahira, Aoba-ku, Sendai
980-8577, JAPAN