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Mild combustion
Mild combustion, also termed as flameless combustion, HICOT, HITAC, FLOX, etc. is a promising mode of combustion for highly energy efficient, low-NOx and low-noiset industrial combustors. We study combustion processes with heat and/or mass recirculations with model experiments and modeling studies. Non-premixed but reaction controlled mode of combustion was attained and implied its relevance in mild combustion.
Because of its "flameless" nature, visual or UV flame monitoring is not possible for mild combustion. Thus, alternative reaction sensing method with ion probe was developed using in-house mild combustion test furnace.

High temperature air combustion

Normal combustion

Mild combustion test furnace

Ion probe
Related references
Hisashi Nakamura, Aiwu Fan, Hideaki Minamizono, Kaoru Maruta, Hideaki Kobayashi, Takashi Niioka, Bifurcations of stretched premixed flame stabilized by a hot wall, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, Vol. 32, Issue 2: 1367-1374 (2009)
doi:10.1016/j.proci.2008.05.045, Link. -
Takeshi Yokomori, Shigenao Maruyama and Kaoru Maruta, Flame Detection by Electrostatic Double Probe with Parallel Detection and Reference Electrodes, Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Series B, Vol.73, No.730: 1377-1384 (2007)
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Takeshi Yokomori, Susumu Mochida, Tadahiro Araake and Kaoru Maruta, Electrostatic probe measurement in an industrial furnace for high-temperature air conditions, Combustion and Flame, Vol. 150, Issue 4: 369-379 (2007)
doi:10.1016/j.combustflame.2007.01.010, Link. -
Kaoru Maruta, Katsutoshi Muso, Koichi Takeda and Takashi Niioka, Reaction Zone Structure in Flameless Combustion, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, Vol. 28: 2117-2123 (2000)
doi:10.1016/S0082-0784(00)80621-9, Link.