Maruta & Morii Lab

Global Collaborative Research and Education Center for Integrated Flow Science, Institute of Fluid Science, Tohoku University, Maruta & Morii Lab

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Last update:before 2017

In-cylinder reformation

NOx and PM emissions from combustion with solid and liquid fuels enable to be extensively reduced by gas combustion through the reformation. In addition, the reformation is a major method to produce hydrogen. Non-catalytic (combustion) reformation is attracted to attain excellent performance of load change and high output per unit size. However, it is currently difficult to accurately predict compositions of reformate gas which are produced combustion at extremely fuel-rich conditions.

This project aims to ultimate combustion with zero NOx and PM emissions. For this, reaction model of combustion reformation is validated and improved trough species measurements for reformate gas using various analyzers. In addition, reaction model of reformate gas is validated and improved because compositions of reformate gas are widely changed depending on fuels, conditions and methods of the reformation.

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