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Collaborative Research Project

Outline of the Collaborative Research Project

IFS aims to conduct research in fluid science related to fundamental scientific and engineering disciplines in order to contribute toward the establishment of a sustainable human society.
For this purpose, IFS is calling for a Collaborative Research Project that is to be carried out through cooperation between the researchers of other institutes and those of IFS.
From April 2016, we promote the collaborative research as Joint Usage/Research Center “Fluid Science Global Research and Education Hub”.

(1) General Collaborative Research Project

  • General collaborative research
    This is a collaborative research project between IFS's researcher(s) and other institute's researcher(s) utilizing IFS's research facilities.
  • Conferential collaborative research
    This is a meeting to share ideas and promote collaborative research.

(2) International Multiple Collaborative Research Project

This is a collaborative research project between IFS's researcher(s) and other multiple overseas research institutes' researchers utilizing IFS's research facilities.

(3) Special International Collaborative Research Project

This is a collaborative research project between IFS’s researcher(s) and other overseas institute’s researcher who has promoted important, creative and advanced research, and will stay more than a month in IFS, utilizing IFS’s research facilities.

(4) Priority Collaborative Research Project

This is a collaborative research project between IFS’s researchers and other multiple research institutes’ researchers utilizing IFS’s research facilities. The aim of this project is to find solutions to various problems facing society. The IFS accepts one application at most from each Cluster.
Note: Cluster in IFS can be found on the IFS web site:

(5) LyC Collaborative Research Project

This is a collaborative research project between IFS’s researcher(s) and other institute’s researcher(s) utilizing IFS’s research facilities (located in Katahira campus and Lyon campus). At Lyon Center which was established in 2018, IFS faculty members and graduate students stay at Universite de Lyon in France (INSA de Lyon, Ecole Centrale de Lyon) together as a unit and promote its collaborative research.

Schedule for the IFS Collaborative Research Project


Guidelines for application

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