2024.07.30 Open Campus

Open Campus was held on 30 and 31 August, Uchimoto Laboratory also set up a booth to introduce its laboratory.
Many people visited the campus, and many came to the booth of Uchimoto Laboratory. We were able to talk about research and various talks such as university life and life in Sendai.
I would be happy if they are interested in Tohoku University and Uchimoto Laboratory.
(B4 Minoura)

2024.07.24 Summer Party

Uchimoto Laboratory held its summer party (beer party) again this year.
Chilled beer is poured into individual cups from a beer server in the center of the hall, we cultivated friendship with beer in one hand.
In addition to last year's shaved ice, a watermelon splitting event was held this year. International students took part, and they could experience more of Japanese culture. Two B3 students, new members of Uchimoto Laboratory, neatly split the watermelon and the audience was very excited.
It is hoped that a variety of events will be organized at the summer party in the coming year and beyond.
(M2 Kure)

2024.07.06-12 Visit to University of Bristol

Academic researcher Arnold and M2 Nakajima have visited the University of Bristol.
Following our participation in ECCM21, we visited the UNDT Lab. at the University of Bristol, UK. The laboratory works in an area very close to our field of research, non-destructive testing. Dr. Robert and the team at UNDT Lab warmly welcomed us, and we had the opportunity to tour their fascinating research facilities, including their ECT setup and CFRP manufacturing equipment.
In particular, during discussions related to my research, I received valuable advice on experimental methods and research policies. Through these discussions, I gained strong motivation to further advance my future research.
During our stay in Bristol, we also enjoyed sightseeing around the city. We tasted the famous British dish, fish and chips, which was delicious and paired perfectly with beer.
Additionally, Bristol is the hometown of the renowned street artist Banksy, and his works, along with various other artworks, were spread throughout the city.
Although the weather in England is famously unpredictable, with 'four seasons in one day', we were able to fully enjoy Bristol’s charm over the six days, despite the occasional sudden rain.
We owe this wonderful experience to the warm welcome from everyone at UNDT Lab.
We extend our heartfelt gratitude to them.
(M2 Nakajima)

2024.06.29-07.06 The 21st European Conference on Composite Materials (ECCM21)

Academic researcher, Arnold, and Second-year master's course student, Nakajima, attended ECCM21 held in Nantes, France.
At the beginning of our trip, we stopped by Paris and enjoyed sightseeing!
We climbed the Eiffel Tower, the symbol of Paris, and from the observation deck, we could see the beautiful cityscape of the city of flowers and various tourist attractions. We also visited famous landmarks such as Triumphal Arch and Louvre Museum, enjoying the feeling of being Parisians.
After that, we moved to Nantes, where ECCM21 was held.
Those who studied world history might know it for the “Edict of Nantes.”Nantes has beautiful historical streets with a predominantly white theme, and within the city, there were castles and cathedrals built in the Middle Ages. On the first floor of the sto ne buildings, there were supermarkets and fast-food restaurants, showcasing the unique charm of European cities where traditional landscapes coexist with modern shops.
Now, I'll talk about the main topic, the academic conference.
ECCM21 is a conference focused on composite materials, and many researchers from Europe and around the world participated in. I was very nervous during my presentation, but the audience understood my poor English and listened enthusiastically, which made me rea lized the power of English as a global language.Listening to and interacting with presentations from international researchers also provided me with new insights and perspectives on my research theme, and I got many hints for my studies.
In our lab, students have opportunities to go abroad for research activities like this! If any students are interested, please feel free to contact us!
(M2 Nakajima)

2024.04.10 Cherry Blossom Viewing

I joined a cherry blossom viewing combining a welcome party for new members this spring including me.
We could see cherry trees in full bloom.
Also, we had a great time while enjoying catering.
Everybody was kind and I felt a fun atmosphere of this laboratory.
It was a very fun time, thank you very much!
(B4 Minoura)

2024.03.26 Degree Conferment Ceremony

Three of master's students and two of bachelor's graduated this year.
It was snowing as if to celebrate our departure.
It is really sad that four members including Ura, a bachelor's student, left our laboratory.
Come visit us again!
(M1 Nakajima)

2023.12.19 Year-end party

We held a Year-end party for the first time in these 4 years.
It was a rare opportunity to talk to technical staff and professors. That was a very exciting party. Because of the pandemic, it was a first Year-end party for me staying in this lab. for 3 years. It's really sad to leave here this year.
Also, we celebrated the marriage of Lucas, our big brother and postdoc. Congratulations! Best wishes forever!
(M2 Sasada)

2023.10.30 Imoni Party

We had the Imoni Party, an annual event before the pandemic. Imoni is a soup with various types of vegetables including taros.
There are different types of Imoni between Sendai and Yamagata. In Sendai, it is miso taste. In Yamagata, it is soy sauce taste.
At our laboratory's party, we cooked both of them.
Also, we added seasonal Pacific saury and roasted sweet potatoes this year.
We started by making a fire on the bank of the Hirose River. We had a good time surrounded by beautiful nature.
I'm looking forward to having the Imoni Party next year!
(B4 Ura)

2023.9.27-29 JSME "M&M材料力学カンファレンス"

1st-grade master's course students, I and Nakajima, went to the conference of M&M mechanics of materials, the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers held at the University of Tsukuba.
We were nervous because it was the first time for both of us to join academic conferences. However, we did a great job in our presentation. On 2nd day, we were able to hear a valuable speech about research.
For lunch, we visited the restaurant at the university that served Halal food. We were very excited after seeing the review that said, "The best restaurant in Tsukuba University". The food was so delicious.
On the last day, we went to the top of Tsukuba Mountain using the cable car. The landscape was quite vast, and that became a wonderful memory.
(M1 Kure)

2023.8.28-29 19th Academic Conference of JSM

Second-year master's students, Sasada and I, went to the 19th academic conference of JSM.
We presented our research with posters and slides at the student's session. Sasada received an excellence award, and I received a unique research award!
Since the evaluators were people from industries, it was very helpful to be evaluated from the perspective of actual practice or application.
After the presentation, a socializing party was held. We had a good time with many students and professors!
(M2 Takigami)

2023.8.7-11 The Maintenance Science Summer School 2023

We, two of M1 students, joined in the Maintenance Science Summer School (MSSS) 2023!
It was held in National Tsing Hua Univ., Taiwan for the first time in these 3 years.
The school is about the preservation of nuclear power plants. We went to see the nuclear power plant in Taiwan.
Students from Japan, Taiwan, and Korea interacted with each other through group projects!
Also, we went sightseeing in Taiwan and enjoyed some food. We had a very valuable week.
(M1 Nakajima)

2023.7.26-27 Open Campus

We had Open Campus on-site for the first time in four years. We explained about our laboratory there.
Not only undergraduate students but many high school students visited Aobayama.
We were so glad to be able to tell future Tohoku Univ. students the fun of research, many opportunities to go abroad, and the good points of life in Katahira.
I hope that somebody in those students join us in the future.
(M1 Kure)

2023.7.25 Summer Party

We held a summer party. Many professors came there, and it was a great opportunity to know each other.
We brought various drinks (sake etc.), yakisoba and shaved ice. We had a good time.
(M2 Sasaki)

2023.5.31 Welcome Party for 4th year University students

I joined a welcome party for us. Every member of Uchimoto Lab. and technical staff came.
We had a good time with some interesting talk and great food.
Everybody was very familiar. I felt Uchimoto Lab.'s friendly and peaceful atmosphere.
Prof. Uchimoto said that students have many opportunities to visit other countries for research. I am really excited about that.
Thank you so much for holding this party!
(B4 Matsumoto)

2023.03.24 Degree Conferment Ceremony

The degree conferment ceremony was held in person for the first time in four years.We miss our seniors who spent two years together, and our laboratory has become very silent since their graduation. Please come visit us in Sendai again!
(M1 Sasada)

2022.9.29 Degree Conferment Ceremony

This year there were two students who graduated in September. A degree conferment ceremony was held, and the laboratory also presented gifts and took photographs.
As an aside, Mr. Lucas has been in the laboratory for more than six years, and I was very surprised to find out that he had been there since before I started university.
I wish them both the best of luck in their future endeavors.
(M2 Kanai)

2022.9.26-28 JSME "M&M材料力学カンファレンス"

On 26-28 September, I participated in the "M&M材料力学カンファレンス" held at Hirosaki University.
I gave a presentation on the first day and was able to listen to presentations by various other researchers during the rest of the conference.
On 26th, I was treated to a meal by Prof. Uchimoto and enjoyed Tsugaru gourmet food and local sake jyobari.
On 27th, instead of the reception being canceled in Corona, a special lecture and concert of Tsugaru shamisen were held. The Tsugaru shamisen, which I heard for the first time, was very powerful.
I was able to spend three fulfilling days with various research and Tsugaru culture.
(M1 Takigami)

2022.9.20-21 JSCM "第47回複合材料シンポジウム" in Fukuoka

Second-year master's student Tanaka participated in the "第47回複合材料シンポジウム" held in Futsukaichi, Fukuoka.
The day before the conference, typhoon No. 14 hit Kyushu, so the flight to the conference was cancelled and I had to change to the overland route, but I arrived at the venue safely and was able to finish the presentation.
Many people attended face-to-face on the day, and it was a meaningful time for me to hear various talks from teachers and people from companies.
After the conference, I enjoyed delicious Hakata gourmet food such as motsunabe and Hakata ramen.
Incidentally, I travelled to Hiroshima by Shinkansen on the day before the conference, but could not eat authentic okonomiyaki because the shops were not open due to a typhoon.
I would like to have a revenge someday.
(M2 Tanaka)

2022.9.2-4 NDE Forum 2022 in Ehime

Three first-year master's students, Sasaki, Sasada and Takigami, participated in the NDE Forum.
We attended lectures on non-destructive testing and listened to presentations by students from other universities, which was a great stimulus for our future research!
Ehime's local sake, sea bream rice and beer from the Asahi Beer Garden were all delicious!
The Asahi Beer Garden will be closing soon, so if you want to visit, please do so as soon as possible!
(M1 Sasada)

2022.8.3 Tour to Onagawa Nuclear Power Plant

On 3 August, I visited the Onagawa Nuclear Power Plant.
I was able to learn about the importance of conservation by visiting the actual construction site and the PR centre.
The 15 m high seawall under construction was huge and impressive when viewed from below.
For lunch, I had a seafood bowl at a shopping street called Sea Palpia.
The tuna sashimi was very tasty!
(B4 Nakajima)

2022.03.25 Degree Conferment Ceremony

Diploma was presented in the laboratory. I am very sad that senpai who helped me so much have graduated. I am looking forward to seeing senpai in Sendai!
(M1 Kanai)

2021.12.22 Tour to Onagawa Nuclear Power Plant

We, Zhang, Zhou, Lucas participated in a tour at Onagawa nuclear power plant On december, 22nd. This tour was organized by the Japanese Society of Maintenology and Tohoku Electric Power Co.
At first we had lunch at Onagawa town and enjoy the nice weather and the see view. Then we moved to the power plant exhibition center and learnt about the principle of nuclear reactor and electric generation. During the tour we had the opportunity to see by our own eyes the all the counter measure to improve safety, like the 29 meter wall to prevent tsunami and the 10000 square meter storage tank, enough to cool down reactors during one week.
Thanks to VR, it was possible to have an overview of the inside of operation room. Installations to protect pipes and pressure suppression chamber from earthquakes have been shown as well. At the end, during the Q&A session, student could ask technical question and the situation of nuclear energy in Japan.
(D3 Lucas)

2018.9.9-13 ENDE2018@Detroit

We, Gupta, Lucas and Yamamoto took part in an international conference!
It was held in Detroit in the USA. The venue, Marriott Hotel is close to the headquarters of General Motors (GM), a big automobile maker in the USA, and enjoyed various exhibitions on automobiles! (^ ^)
At the academic conference, both of MC2 students performed a poster presentation. We were able to exchange hot discussions with various researchers from all over the world and to have a very meaningful time.
After the presentation was over, I went to the Henry Ford Museum with conference participants. At the Henry Ford Museum it was very interesting to learn not only the history of cars but also the history of America itself after the independence war.
In this conference, such tours are often prepared after the whole schedule is over, and this is one of the pleasure of joining in conferences.
(MC2. Yamamoto)

2018.8.26-9.5 ELyT School 2018 in Sendai

We, Furuya and Yamamoto joined in ELyT School 2018 in Sendai!
Studnents from INSA Lyon, Ecole Centrale de Lyon, Tohoku University, Washington University, Nanjing University of Aeronotics and Astronautics were invited to this short school, and had lectures, tours to Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant, student projects, and some exciting activities including cultural tours, several parties, and so on.
It was a lot of fun to communicate with students who were interested in Japan, and studyin Japan especially in Tohoku University!
In our laboratory, there are many opportunities to participate in such international programs!
(MC2. Furuya)

2018.8.7-11 The Maintenance Science Summer School @ Shanghai Uniersity

I, Tokuda, participated in The Maintenance Science Summer School (MSSS) 2018 that held at the Shanghai University.
The summer school is the one week program. I took the lecture on the maintenance of the nuclear power plant and visited the nuclear related company.
Having studied with students in manmy countries and deepen friendship.
(MC1. Tokuda)

2018.7.31-8.1 Open Campus & Beer party

We attended the university's open campus.
Most participants were high school students and underguraduats, so we introduced not only our research activiteis but also what was maintenance.
We were so happy to see participants were interested in our activiteis!
After that, we held one of the annual events "Beer party".
Because that day was very hot, we drunk a lot of beer and it was very tasty.
(MC2. Yamamoto)

2018.5.11 Japan Society of Maintenology @ Sapporo

I, Tokuda, have presented poster on my research at Japan Society of Maintenology Tohoku-Hokkaido Branch. The meeting was held at Hokkaido University.
After that, I went to Mt. Moiwa to see night view of Sapporo, ate "Shime parfait" which is the culture originated in Sapporo, very enjoyed sightseeing.

2018.3.7 JSME conference @ Koriyama

I, Tokuda, have joined the JSME Tohoku Branch Student Association 48th meeting for graduation reserach. The meeting was held at Nihon University located at Koriyama.
Many of participants were students of our school, so I have presented my reserarch in a very relaxed atmosphere.
It was good oppotunity to have a presentation outside the school, and listen other students' presentation.

2017.9.20 ELyT School 2017 in Lyon

I and Mr. Furuya joined ELyT School 2017 in Lyon in September!
We stayed in INSA Lyon and Ecole Centrale de Lyon for 2 weeks, and had classes and some student projects with students from those universities.
By the way, INSA Lyon is our colleague Mr. Ollivier-Lamarque's alma mater!
In this school, we visited Chamonix-Mont Blanc, and enjoyed a fantastic landscape with our new friends!

2017.8.1 The Maintenance Science Summer School 2017

MC1 students joined The Maintenance Science Summer School 2017! This school was held at Tohoku Univ for a week, and we attended many lectures with participants from Japan, China, and some other countries.
Scince the host was Japan, topics of some lectures were decomission of nuclear power plant. Foreign students looked very interested in those lectures. We also had tour to Fukushima Dai-ni nuclear power station, and it was very interesting to see inside the plant. We have such an exciting school every year!


I am Hiroyuki FURUYA, a student in the 1st year of master's course,and a manager of this website.
This website has opened to introduce our new laboratory!
In this page, we are going to write articles about our events.

Mechanical Systems Evaluation Laboratory
Lyon Center
Institute of Fluid Science
Tohoku Univeristy
2-1-1 Katahira, Aoba-ku
Sendai 980-8577,JAPAN
Email ifs-msel-contact (at) grp.tohoku.ac.jp