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Leading Research and Practical Education Program based on Practicalism

Leading Research and Practical Education Program Based on Practicalism. Fostering a Self-Determining and Persistent Researcher

DERUKUINOBASU (Leading Researcher Hatchery) program --- Encouraging Self-Motivated Research by Students

The program invites applications of research theme by a doctor course student as a leader. The application will strictly be reviewed and maximum 3 students whose themes are judged practically possible will be selected every year. Those students receive net 1.9 million yen a year. Plural professors will hold reviews every year and promote a practical education for a student to become an independent program manager in the future.

Doctors in Business Field Who Support Research Infrastructure --- Toward The Innovation of New Industry

The program welcomes doctors in both domestic and abroad whose research themes lead to the creation of new industry and let them work on the thesis for a doctorate. They can make a full use of our infrastructure such as large-scale experimental equipment and super computers, and will continue to support the field of research budget and venue after obtaining the doctorate.


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