Research Plan

Trans-disciplinary flow dynamics is a comprehensive academic field closely related to various issues that mankind faces, including energy, global environment, and life science issues. To form an international center of education and research, our Global COE is centered on flow dynamics, while integrating different fields as well as actively engaging in activities at the International Joint Laboratories.


  1. To create a new trans-disciplinary flow dynamics field that integrates knowledge from nano-mega flow dynamics, which we established through our 21st Century COE Program, International COE of Flow Dynamics, with knowledge from different fields such as life science, chemistry, and information science.
  2. To establish new academic principles through international collaborative research at International Joint Laboratories to elucidate novel phenomena.
  3. To establish flow dynamics as a comprehensive academic field by conducting research in the Frontier Research Projects and to create new innovative science and technology.

Additionally, we aim to build a multi-stage international network based on liaison offices as our primary means of interchange, but plan to use other research institutes that we have previously collaborated with as our secondary means. We will be strategically conducting research by employing the framework of the International Joint Laboratories, which is based on research interactions among researchers through these research institutes, and thereby engage in high quality and high productivity international collaborative research. Through the international trans-disciplinary research at the International Joint Laboratories, we will be pioneering a novel trans-disciplinary research frontier that integrates flow dynamics with other academic fields.

International mutual liaison offices
