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Academic Paper

  1. Shejuan Xie, Guohang Lu, Lei Zhang, Zhenmao Chen, Qiang Wan, Tetsuya Uchimoto, Toshiyuki Takagi
    Quantitative evaluation of deep-shallow compound defects using frequency-band-selecting pulsed eddy current testing
    NDT and E International, Vol.133, (2023), pp.102750_1-102750_12.
    DOI: 10.1016/j.ndteint.2022.102750
  2. 廣瀬 悠一, 岩田 大輝, 武田 翔, 遊佐 訓孝, 内一 哲哉
    日本機械学会論文集, Vol.89, No.918, (2023), pp.22-00283_1-22-00283_13.
    DOI: 10.1299/transjsme.22-00283
  3. S.Zhang, B.Ducharne, G.Sebald, S.Takeda, T.Uchimoto
    Magnetic indicators for evaluating plastic strains in electrical steel: Toward non-destructive assessment of the magnetic losses
    NDT and E International, Vol.134, (2023), pp.102780-1-102780-12.
    DOI: 10.1016/j.ndteint.2022.102780
  4. Hiroyuki Nakamoto, Kazuma Terada, Philippe Guy, Tetsuya Uchimoto
    Comparison of random and periodic rough surfaces by ultrasonic attenuation and frequency distribution
    International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, Vol. 71, (2023), pp. S429-S436.
    DOI: 10.3233/jae-220196
  5. G. Diguet, B. Ducharne, S. El Hog, F. Kato, H. Koibuchi, T. Uchimoto, H.T. Diep
    Monte Carlo studies of skyrmion stabilization under geometric confinement and uniaxial strain
    Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Vol. 579, (2013), pp.170819_1-170819_13.
    DOI: 10.1016/j.jmmm.2023.170819
  6. Benjamin Ducharne, Yves Arma, Tene Deffo, Shurui Zhang, Gael Sebald, Mickael Lallar, Tetsuya Uchimoto, Christophe Gallais, Olivier Ghibaudo
    Carburization depth evaluation from magnetic nondestructive testing
    NDT and E International, Vol. 137, (2023), pp.102864_1-102864_9.
    DOI: 10.1016/j.ndteint.2023.102864
  7. Patrick Fagan, Shurui Zhang, Gael Sebald, Tetsuya Uchimoto, Benjamin Ducharne
    Barkhausen noise hysteresis cycle: Theoretical and experimental understanding
    Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Vol 578, (2023), pp. 170810_1-170810_18.
    DOI: 10.1016/j.jmmm.2023.170810
  8. Xinwu Zhou, Sho Takeda, Tetsuya Uchimoto, Mitsuo Hashimoto, Toshiyuki Takagi
    Electromagnetic pulse-induced acoustic testing enables reliable evaluation of debonding between rebar and concret
    Cement and Concrete Composites, Vol 142, (2023), pp.105170_1-105170_13.
    DOI: 10.1016/j.cemconcomp.2023.105170
  9. Shejuan Xie, Shuyan Yang, Mingming Tian, Ruixiang Zhao, Zhenmao Chen, Yang Zheng, Tetsuya Uchimoto, Toshiyuki Takagi
    A hybrid nondestructive testing method of pulsed eddy current testing and electromagnetic acoustic transducer techniques based on wavelet analysis
    NDT & E International, Vol 138, (2023), pp. 102900_1-102900_14.
    DOI: 10.1016/j.ndteint.2023.102900
  10. Shuta Noro, Satoshi Hongo, Shinichiro Nagahiro, Hisatoshi Ikai, Hiroshi Koibuchi, Madoka Nakayama, Tetsuya Uchimoto, Gildas Diguet
    Langevin and Navier-Stokes simulation of three-dimensional protoplasmic streaming
    Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, Vol. 628, (2023), pp. 129154_1-129154_23.
    DOI: 10.1016/j.physa.2023.129154
  11. Benjamin Ducharne, Yves Arma, Tene Deffo, Gael Sebald, Tetsuya Uchimoto, Christophe Gallais, Olivier Ghibaudo
    Low-frequency incremental permeability for the evaluation of deep carburization treatments: Theoretical understanding
    Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Vol. 586, (2023), pp.171236_1-171236_13.
    DOI: 10.1016/j.jmmm.2023.171236
  12. Yang Fang, Yinqiang Qu, Xinlei Zeng, Hong-en Chen, Shejuan Xie, Qiang Wan, Tetsuya Uchimoto, Zhenmao Chen
    Distinguishing evaluation of plastic deformation and fatigue damage using pulsed eddy current testing
    NDT & E International, Vol. 140, (2023), pp. 102972_1- 102972_7.
    DOI: 10.1016/j.ndteint.2023.102972
  13. Gildas Diguet, Madoka Nakayama, Sohei Tasaki, Fumitake Kato, Hiroshi Koibuchi, Tetsuya Uchimoto
    Numerical study of anisotropic diffusion in Turing patterns based on Finsler geometry modeling
    Physical Review E, Vol.109, No.1, (2024), pp. 014213_1-014213_18.
    DOI: 10.1103/physreve.109.014213
  14. Wei Guo, Shejuan Xie, Yali Du, Hong-En Chen, Zhenmao Chen, Takayuki Takagi, Tetsuya Uchimoto
    A Numerical Simulation Method for High-Frequency Eddy Current Testing Considering Displacement Current Effect
    IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. 60, No. 3, (2024), pp. 7200804_1-7200804_4.
    DOI: 10.1109/TMAG.2023.3323810

General presentation(International)

  1. Shurui Zhang, Benjamin Ducharne, Sho Takeda, Gael Sebald, Tetsuya Uchimoto
    Investigation of the Magnetic Indicators Affected by Residual Strain when Testing Electrical Steel Sheets
    INTERMAG 2023
  2. Shurui Zhang, Benjamin Ducharne, Sho Takeda, Gael Sebald, Tetsuya Uchimoto
    Evaluation of the Magnetic Indicators Affected by Plastic Strain When Testing Electrical Steel Sheets
  3. Sho TAKEDA, Tetsuya UCHIMOTO, Kazuki KANAI, Takayuki ISHIBASHI
    26th International Workshop on Electromagnetic Nondestructive Evaluation (ENDE 2023)
  4. Kodai TANAKA, Tetsuya UCHIMOTO, Sho TAKEDA, Hiroyuki KOSUKEGAWA, Toshiyuki TAKAGI, Takeshi WATANABE, Yuta URUSHIYAMA, Yusuke TSUCHIYAMA, Takehiro SHIRA
    26th International Workshop on Electromagnetic Nondestructive Evaluation (ENDE 2023)
  5. Kazuki Sasada, Sho Takeda, Tetsuya Uchimoto, Tomoya Soma, Makoto Kimura
    Remaining Life Assessment in Fiber Ropes by System Invariant Analysis Technology (SIAT) with Acoustic Testing
    Twentieth International Conference on Flow Dynamics (ICFD2023)
  6. Kodai Takigami, Sho Takeda, Tetsuya Uchimoto
    Evaluation of Uniform and Surface Compressive Residual Stress in Carbon Steel by Eddy Current Magnetic Signature Method
    Twentieth International Conference on Flow Dynamics (ICFD2023)
  7. Shejuan Xie, Shuyan Yang, Guohang Lu, Wei Guo, Zhenmao Chen, Tetsuya Uchimoto, Toshiyuki Takagi
    Pulsed ECT Signal Processing Algorithm for Better Quantification of Ferromagnetic Material
    The 23rd International Symposium on Advanced Fluid Information (AFI-2023)
  8. Noboru Nakayama, Hiroki Inoue, Masaomi Horita, Sho Takeda, Tetsuya Uchimoto
    Influence of Volume Fraction of Carbon Nanofibers on Electrical Characteristics of Foam Rubber Matrix Composite
    The 23rd International Symposium on Advanced Fluid Information (AFI-2023)
  9. Minoru Goto, Sho Takeda, Hiroyuki Miki, Kosuke Ito, Tetsuya Uhicmoto
    Research on the Antibacterial Effect of Agand Cu containing Carbon Films using the Self exudation Effect of Contained Metal Components
    The 23rd International Symposium on Advanced Fluid Information (AFI-2023)
  10. Kei Sasaki, Sho Takeda, Tetsuya Uchimoto, Hiroyuki Kosukegawa, Jin Inoue
    Evaluation of Fiber Misalignment in CFRP with Curvature Using Eddy Current Testing
    Twentieth International Conference on Flow Dynamics (ICFD2023)
  11. Lucas Ollivier-Lamarque, Tetsuya Uchimoto, Nicolas Mary, S?bastien Livi
    Nondestructive Evaluation of Water Uptake in Epoxy-Ionic Liquid CompositePolymer for Corrosion Protection by Coplanar Capacitor Sensor
    Twentieth International Conference on Flow Dynamics (ICFD2023)
  12. Hiroyuki Nakamoto, Kazuma Terada, Philippe Guy, Tetsuya Uchimoto
    Effect of Flaw Parameters on UltrasonicAttenuation
    Twentieth International Conference on Flow Dynamics (ICFD2023)
  13. Gildas Digue, Benjamin Ducharne, Sahbi El Hog, Fumitake Kato, Hiroshi Koibuchi, Tetsuya Uchimoto, Hung The Diep
    Finsler Geometry Modeling and Monte Carlo Study on Geometrically Confined skyrmions in Nanodots
    Twentieth International Conference on Flow Dynamics (ICFD2023)
    Development of Conductivity Model in Unidirectional CFRP for Eddy Current Testing with Directive Racetrack Coil
    21st International Symposium on Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics (ISEM2023)
  15. Noritaka YUSA, Sho TAKEDA, Tetsuya UCHIMOTO, Masahiko ENDO, Yasuhiro SAITO
    Pipe Failure Prediction Model based on Periodic Pipe Wall Thickness Measurement using Electromagnetic Acoustic Resonance
    21st International Symposium on Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics (ISEM2023)
  16. Kodai TAKIGAMI, Tetsuya UCHIMOTO, Sho TAKEDA
    Development of Electromagnetic Model for Evaluation of Residual Stress in Steels by Eddy Current Magnetic Signature Method
    21st International Symposium on Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics (ISEM2023)
  17. Sho TAKEDA, Tetsuya UCHIMOTO, Xinwu ZHOU, Mitsuo HASHIMOTO, Toshiyuki TAKAGI
    Length Sizing of Concrete Rebar Debonding by Electromagnetic Pulse-induced Acoustic Testing
    21st International Symposium on Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics (ISEM2023)
  18. Shurui ZHANG, Benjamin DUCHARNE, Sho TAKEDA, Gael SEBALD, Tetsuya UCHIMOTO
    Investigation of Elastic Stress Dependency of Magnetic Behaviors of Non-oriented Electrical Steel
    21st International Symposium on Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics (ISEM2023)
  19. Hiroyuki NAKAMOTO, Kazuma TERADA, Philippe GUY, Tetsuya UCHIMOTO
    Decrease at specific frequencies in frequency spectrum of ultrasonic waves reflected on rough surface
    21st International Symposium on Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics (ISEM2023)
  20. Tetsuya Uchimoto
    Evaluation of Fiber Defects in High-Pressure Composite Pressure Vessels for FCVs by Eddy Current Testing
    Research Forum: Lightning Resistant Metal Coating Technology on CFRP Assisted by Kinetic, Physical and Chemical Energies

General presentation (Domestic)

  1. 呉 泰成, 武田 翔, 内一 哲哉, 味戸 沙耶, 小山 元道, 秋山 英二
    日本機械学会東北支部 東北学生会 第53回学生員卒業研究発表講演会
  2. 中嶋孝誠, 田中 洸大, 内一 哲哉, 武田 翔, 小助川 博之, 高木 敏行, 渡邊 健, 漆山 雄太, 土山友輔
    日本機械学会東北支部 第52回学生員卒業研究発表講演会
  3. 田中洸大,内一哲哉,武田 翔, 小助川博之,高木敏行, 渡邉健,漆山雄太,土山友輔, 白井武広
    2022年度 安全・安心な社会を築く先進材料・非破壊計測技術シンポジウム
  4. Ollivier-Lamarque Lucas, Tetsuya UCHIMOTO, Nicolas MARY, S?bastien LIVI
    Nondestructive Evaluation of Water Uptake in IL Cured Epoxy by Coplanar Capacitor Sensor
    2022年度 安全・安心な社会を築く先進材料・非破壊計測技術シンポジウム
  5. 周 新武, 武田 翔, 内一 哲哉, 橋本 光男, 高木 敏行
  6. 金井一樹, 武田 翔, 内一哲哉, 石橋隆幸
    2023年度 非破壊検査総合シンポジウム
  7. 滝上 紘大, 武田 翔, 内一 哲哉
    日本保全学会 第19回学術講演会
  8. 笹田和希, 武田翔, 内一哲哉, 相馬知也, 木村 誠
    日本保全学会 第19回学術講演会
  9. 中山 昇, 井上博輝, 堀田 将臣, 武田 翔, 内一 哲哉
    日本実験力学会 2023年度年次講演会
  10. 佐々木 啓, 武田 翔, 内一 哲哉, 小助川 博之, 井上 甚
  11. 井上 甚, 武田 翔, 内一 哲哉, 小助川 博之
    CFRPの繊維ミスアライメント評価に向けた ECT プローブの比較検討
  12. 呉 泰成, 武田 翔, 内一 哲哉, 味戸 沙耶, 小山 元道, 秋山 英二
    日本機械学会 M&M2023 材料力学カンファレンス
  13. 中嶋 孝誠, 内一 哲哉, 武田 翔, 小助川 博之, 高木 敏行, 渡邉 健, 漆山 雄太, 土山 友輔
    渦電流試験法を用いたフィラメントワインディング成型CFRP の機械的特性の評価
    日本機械学会 M&M2023 材料力学カンファレンス
  14. OLLIVIER-LAMARQUE Lucas, 武田 翔, 内一 哲哉, 水篠 孝太郎, 松永 康夫, 藤森 俊郎
    Evaluation of Nitridation Behavior of Austenitic Stainless Steel by Eddy Current Testing
    日本非破壊検査協会 2023年度 秋季講演大会

Mechanical Systems Evaluation Laboratory
Lyon Center
Institute of Fluid Science
Tohoku Univeristy
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