2019.11.7 Ms.TokudaiM2j participated in ICFD2019.
2019.9.16 Ms.TokudaiM2j participated in ISEM2019.
Open Cumpus 2019
2019.7.30-31 Our Laboratory attended Open Cumpus 2019D
Participation in "ϊ{ΫSwο ζ16ρwpuο"
2019.7.24-26 Iwata, Kita and ZhangiM1j participated in "ϊ{ΫSwο ζ16ρwpuο" in Aomori. Kita and Zhang got "§γά" and Iwata got "v[e[Vά".
Participation in "ϊ{ρjσΈ¦ο 2019NxρjσΈV|WE"
2019.6.6 Ms.TokudaiM2j participated in "ϊ{ρjσΈ¦ο 2019NxρjσΈV|WE", and got "\Κ3ε αθ€ DGά".
Mechanical Systems Evaluation Laboratory
Lyon Center
Institute of Fluid Science
Tohoku Univeristy
2-1-1 Katahira, Aoba-ku
Sendai 980-8577,JAPAN
Email ifs-msel-contact (at) grp.tohoku.ac.jp
2019.11.7Ms.TokudaiM2j participated in ICFD2019.