2022.08.23【Media Coverage】Specially-appointed assistant professor Sophie Colson’s interview on the homepage of the Embassy of France in JapanSpecially-appointed assistant professor Sophie Colson of the Institute of Fluid Science, Tohoku University, whose work won the “Grand Prix of the Jury Award” at the France-Japan Science Photo Contest “Subtle and profound of science – Beauté cachée de la science” in 2021, was interviewed about her work on ammonia combustion and the article was published on the homepage of the Embassy of France in Japan.<Article>“Entretien avec le Dr. Sophie Colson, chercheuse postdoctorale en combustion de l’ammoniac, lauréate du 1er prix […]
2021.11.10JSPS Core to Core Program WorkshopJSPS Core to Core program workshop -Construction of an International research exchange center for ammonia combustion and materials toward the realization of a low-carbon society-” was held online, as a session of the 18th International Conference on Flow Dynamics (ICFD2021) on October 27th, 2021. 【Link】ICFD 2021 Web site
2021.11.05【Media Coverage】Professor Kobayashi’s interview on FNN Prime OnlineProfessor Hideaki Kobayashi of the Institute of Fluid Science, Tohoku University was interviewed about ammonia combustion and the article was published on the website of FNN Prime Online.<Article>「地球温暖化を食い止める切り札?COP26で岸田首相も言及した”アンモニア”の可能性」(FNN Prime Online November 4, 2021)【Links】Kobayashi & Hayakawa Lab.High Speed Reacting Flow Lab. Institute of Fluid Science, Tohoku University
2021.09.28Core-to-Core Program Session will be held at ICFD2021A Core-to-Core Program session will be held at the international conference organized by the Institute of Fluid Science ICFD (International Conference on Flow Dynamics). Dates: October 27 (Wednesday)–29 (Friday)【Link】ICFD 2021 Web site
2021.06.25ELyT Workshop 2021 heldThe ELyT Workshop presented lectures for the Core-to-Core Program from June 21 to 25, 2021. These lectures were held online due to the COVID-19 pandemic. 【Link】Lyon Center Web siteELyT Workshop 2021 Report
2021.04.01Establishment of an International Research Center for Ammonia Combustion and Materials Research Aimed at Realizing Low-carbon Societies selected as a Core-to-Core Program (April 1, 2021)The Establishment of an International Research Center for Ammonia Combustion and Material Research Aimed at Realizing Low-carbon Societies was selected by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) for its “Core-to-Core Program.” The project implementation period is five years beginning fiscal year 2021. The aim of the project is to establish an Ammonia Combustion and Materials Research Center to conduct integrated research on ammonia combustion and ammonia-resistant materials, at the same time fostering international exchange and the nurturing […]