【Media Coverage】Specially-appointed assistant professor Sophie Colson’s interview on the homepage of the Embassy of France in Japan
Specially-appointed assistant professor Sophie Colson of the Institute of Fluid Science, Tohoku University, whose work won the “Grand Prix of the Jury Award” at the France-Japan Science Photo Contest “Subtle and profound of science – Beauté cachée de la science” in 2021, was interviewed about her work on ammonia combustion and the article was published on the homepage of the Embassy of France in Japan.
“Entretien avec le Dr. Sophie Colson, chercheuse postdoctorale en combustion de l’ammoniac, lauréate du 1er prix du jury de l’édition 2021 du concours d’images de recherche « Beauté Cachée de la Science »”
(homepage of the Embassy of France in Japan August 22, 2022)
(in Japanese)
(in French)
Kobayashi & Hayakawa Lab.
High Speed Reacting Flow Lab. Institute of Fluid Science, Tohoku University
“Entretien avec le Dr. Sophie Colson, chercheuse postdoctorale en combustion de l’ammoniac, lauréate du 1er prix du jury de l’édition 2021 du concours d’images de recherche « Beauté Cachée de la Science »”
(homepage of the Embassy of France in Japan August 22, 2022)
(in Japanese)
(in French)
Kobayashi & Hayakawa Lab.
High Speed Reacting Flow Lab. Institute of Fluid Science, Tohoku University