- Alex Balin, Véronique Perrin, Laurence Seveyrat, Florent Dalmas, Sébastien Livi, Joël Courbon, Gildas Diguet, Hidemasa Takana, Jean-Yves Cavaillé, Gildas Coativy, "Effect of ionic liquid on soft epoxy-amine electroactuators", Polymer, Vol. 312, 127601 (2024).
- Shabbir Ahmad, Hidemasa Takana, Humberto Garcia Castellanos, Khursheed Muzammil, Saiful Islam, Yashar Aryanfar, Mohammad Arsalan Khan, Mohammad Mursaleen, Ahmed S. Hendy, "Uncovering the mystery of the vortex dynamics in a micropolar fluid with multiple magnetic field strips: A novel case study", Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, Vol. 53, 103716 (2024).
- 高奈秀匡: 「イオン液体静電噴霧による二酸化炭素分離吸収の高性能化」, フルードパワーシステム, 第54巻, 第6号, pp. 19-23 (2023).
- Kinfung Chu, Jiawei Huang, Hidemasa Takana, and Yoshifumi Kitamura, "Real-Time Reconstruction of Fluid Flow under Unknown Disturbance", ACM Transactions on Graphics, Vol. 43, No. 1, pp. 1-14 (2023), DOI: 10.1145/3624011.
- Yanhua Kai, Shabbir Ahmad, Hidemasa Takana, Kashif Ali, Wasim Jamshed, Mohamed R. Eid, Assmaa Abd-Elmonem, Sayed M. El Din, "Thermal case study and generated vortices by dipole magnetic field in hybridized nanofluid flowing: Alternating direction implicit solution", Rsults in Physics, Vol. 49, 106464 (2023), DOI: 10.1016/j.rinp.2023.106464.
- Shabbir Ahmad, Hidemasa Takana, Kashif Ali, Yasmeen Akhtar, Ahmed M. Hassan and Adham E. Ragab, "Role of localized magnetic field in vortex generation in tri-hybrid nanofluid flow: A numerical approach", Nanotechnology Reviews, Vol. 12, No. 1, 20220561(2023), DOI: 10.1515/ntrev-2022-0561.
- Heather G. Wise, Hidemasa Takana, and Anthony B. Dichiara, "Dynamic Assembly of Strong and Conductive Carbon Nanotube/Nanocellulose Composite Filaments and Their Application in Resistive Liquid Sensing", ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, Vol. 15, No. 30, pp. 3667-36656 (2023), DOI: 10.1021/acsami.3c03906.
- 長谷部喬大,佐々木亮,藤野貴康,高奈秀匡,小林宏充:「同軸二重円筒型MHDエネルギー変換装置の発電特性に関する実験と理論解析」,電気学会論文誌B, 第143巻, 第7号 (2023), pp. 454-460.
- C. Bernard, H. Takana, G. Diguet O. Lame, K. Ogawa, J.-Y. Cavaillé, "Thermal gradient of polymeric particles during cold spray process", Computational Particle Mechanics, Vol. 10 (2023), pp. 1697-1716, DOI: 10.1007/s40571-023-00583-0.
- G. Coativy,K. Yuse, G. Diguet, V. Perrin, L. Seveyrat, F. Dalmas, S. Livi, J. Courbon, H. Takana and J-Y. Cavaillé, "Role of charge carriers in long-term kinetics of polyurethane electroactuation", Smart Materials and Structures, Vol. 31, 125019 (2022), DOI: 10.1088/1361-665X/aca12e
- H. Anzai, Y. Shindo, Y. Kohata, M. Hasegawa, H. Takana, T. Matsunaga, T. Akaike and M. Ohta, "Coupled discrete phase model and Eulerian wall film model for numerical simulation of respiratory droplet generation during coughing", Scientific Reports, Vol. 12, No. 1, 14849 (2022), DOI: 10.1038/s41598-022-18788-3
- 今泉颯太, 竹内希, 高奈秀匡, Oi Lun Li:「ホモジナイザで気泡導入した液中プラズマによる炭素材料合成」,静電気学会誌,第46巻,4号 (2022),pp. 156-161.
- J. Jenista, S-W. CHau, S0W. Chien, O. Zivny, H. Takana, H. Nishiyama, M. Bartlova, V. Aubrecht and A.B. Murphy, "Modeling of argon-steam thermal plasma flow for abatement of fluorinated compounds", Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, Vol. 55, No. 37, 375201 (2022), DOI: 10.1088/1361-6463/ac7aee
- C. A. Bernard, H. Takana, O. Lame, K. Ogawa and J.Y. Cavaille, "Influence of the Nozzle Inner Geometry on the Particle History During Cold Spray Process",Journal of Thermal Spray Technology,Vol. 31, pp. 1776-1791 (2022), DOI: 10.1007/s11666-022-01407-y
- 山崎翔矢, 竹内 希, 高奈秀匡:「液中プラズマ法で合成したナノ炭素材料特性の放電条件依存性」,電気学会論文誌A,第142巻, 3号(2022),pp. 59-66.
- 大竹一彦,高奈秀匡:「高効率二酸化炭素分離吸収に向けたイオン液体静電噴霧に与える直流パルス電圧印加効果」,混相流,第36巻, 1号(2022), pp. 120-127.
- 佐々木亮,藤野貴康,高奈秀匡,小林宏充:「同軸二重円筒型MHDエネルギー変換装置の発電特性に及ぼすTaylor渦と渦電流の影響に関する準二次元層流数値解析」,電気学会論文誌B, 第142巻, 5号(2022), pp. 268-274, DOI: 10.1541/ieejpes.142.268.
- Hyeokjun Kang, Jeong-Hwan Oh, Daeun Choi, Hidemasa Takana and Sooseok Choi, Numerical Analysis of Thermal Flow Characteristics Inside Waste Combustion Chamber with Multiple Thermal Plasma Jets, Applied Science and Convergence Technology, Vol.30, pp.172-175 (2021), DOI: 10.5757/ASCT.2021.30.6.172.
- H. Takana, N. Hara, T. Makino and M. Kanakubo, Effect of environmental temperature on CO2 selective absorption characteristics by ionic liquid electrospray in flow system, Journal of Electrostatics, Vol. 114, 103634 (2021), DOI: 10.1016/j.elstat.2021.103634.
- 佐々木亮,藤野貴康,高奈秀匡,小林宏充:「同軸二重円筒型MHDエネルギー変換装置の発電特性に関する理論解析」, 電気学会論文誌B, Vol. 141, No. 10, pp. 642-648, (2021), DOI: 10.1541/ieejpes.141.642.
- Christophe Brouzet, Nitesh Mittal, Tomas Rosén, Yusuke Takeda, L. Daniel Söderberg, Fredrik Lundell, and Hidemasa Takana, Effect of Electric Field on the Hydrodynamic Assembly of Polydisperse and Entangled Fibrillar Suspensions, Langmuir, Vol. 37, No. 27, pp. 8339–8347 (2021), DOI: 10.1021/acs.langmuir.1c01196.
- 福森 賢,高奈秀匡:「伸長流動場を用いたナノ繊維配向に与える流路形状効果」, 混相流, Vol. 35, No. 1, pp. 134-141,(2021).
- 佐々木亮,藤野貴康,高奈秀匡,小林宏充:「MHD相互作用下での回転同軸二重円筒内層流の理論解析」, 電気学会論文誌B, Vol. 141, No. 3, p. 280-286, (2021).
- M. Okura, H. Takana, F. Ohuchi and R. Furukawa, Fabrication of liquid-core fiber-optic structure for large-area CO2 sensing using ionic liquids, Journal of Fluid Science and Technology, Vol. 16, 20-00110 (2021), DOI: 10.1299/jfst.2021jfst0004.
- H. Takana, K. Yamamoto, T. Makino and M. Kanakubo, Improvement of CO2 Absorption by Ionic Liquid Electrospray, Europhysics Letters, Vol. 131, 34002 (6 pp), (2020).
- C.A. Bernard, H. Takana, G. Diguet, K. Ravi, O. Lamee, K. Ogawa, J.-Y.Cavaillé, Thermal gradient of in-flight polymer particles during cold spraying, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Vol. 286, 116805 (2020), DOI: 10.1016/j.jmatprotec.2020.116805.
- Heather Wise, Hidemasa Takana, Fumio Ohuchi, and Anthony B. Dichiara, Field-Assisted Alignment of Cellulose Nanofibrils in a Continuous Flow Focusing System, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, Vol. 12, pp. 28568-28575 (2020), DOI: 10.1021/acsami.0c07272.
- Hidemasa Takana and Mengfei Guo, Numerical simulation on electrostatic alignment control of cellulose nano-fibrils in flow, Nanotechnology, Vol. 31, 205602 (2020).
- Satoshi Uehara and Hidemasa Takana, Surface cooling by dielectric barrier discharge plasma actuator in confinement channel, Journal of Electrostatics, Vol. 104, 103417 (2020).
- Jiri Jenista, Hidemasa Takana, Hideya Nishiyama, Milada Bartlova, Vladimir Aubrecht, and Anthony B. Murphy, Modelling of inhomogeneous mixing of plasma species in argon-steam arc discharge for broad range of operating conditions, The European Physical Journal D, Vol. 74, 22 (19 pp), (2020).
- M. Horikoshi, T. Tanaka, K, Okihama, Y. Kon and H. Takana, Development of Non-equilibrium Plasma and Combustion Integrated Model for Reaction Analysis, Proceedings of 2019 JSAE/SAE Powertrains, Fuels and Lubricants International Meeting, JSAE 20199060/SAE 2019-01-2349 (2019).
- K. Uesugi, Y. Morii, T. Mukoyama, T. Tezuka, S. Hasegawa, H. Nakamura, H. Takana, K. Maruta, T. Yokomori and I. Norimasa, Ignition Experiments by Nanosecond Repetitively Pulsed Discharges in Intense Turbulence for Super Lean Burn at Engine Condition, Proceedings of 2019 JSAE/SAE Powertrains, Fuels and Lubricants International Meeting, JSAE 20199308/SAE 2019-01-2160 (2019).
- He, Y., Uehara, S., Takana, H., Nishiyama, H., Numerical and experimental investigation of acetic acid decomposition by a nano-pulse discharged bubble in water, International Journal of Plasma Environmental Science and Technology, Vol. 12, (2018), pp. 30-36.
- 川谷康二,高奈秀匡,イオン液体静電噴霧における液滴形成過程および噴霧特性の数値シミュレーション,混相流,第32巻,1号 (2018),pp. 97-107.
- J. Jeništa, H. Takana, S. Uehara, H. Nishiyama, M. Bartlová, V. Aubrecht, A.B Murphy, Modeling of inhomogeneous mixing of plasma species in argon-steam arc discharge, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics D, Vol. 51, (2018), 045202 (22 pp).
- Y. He, S. Uehara, H. Takana and H. Nishiyama, Experimental and theoretical study on chemical reactions and species diffusion by a nano-pulse discharged bubble for water treatment, European Physical Journal D, Vol. 72, (2018), 11 (8 pp).
- Hidemasa Takana and Akira Tanida, Development and Fundamental Characteristics of Co-axial MHD Energy Conversion Device, Mechanical Engineering Journal, Vol.4, No.1, (2017), 16-00500 (9 pp).
- Hiroki Saito, Yusuke Nakane, Takayasu Fujino and Hidemasa Takana, Numerical Analysis of In-flight Particles in Plasma Jet with an Externally Applied Magnetic Field, Journal of Fluid Science and Technology, Vol.11, No.4, (2016), JFST0024 (12 pp).
- He Yuchen, Satoshi Uehara, Hidemasa Takana and Hideya Nishiyama, Numerical Modelling and Simulation of Chemical Reactions in a Nano-Pulse Discharge Bubble for Water Treatment, Plasma Science and Technology, Vol.18, No.9 (2016), pp.924-932.
- Jíří Jeništa, Hidemasa Takana, Satoshi Uehara, Hideya Nishiyama, Anthony B. Murphy, Milada Bartlová and Vladimir Aubrecht, Preliminary Study of Mixing of Plasma Species in a Hybrid-Stabilized Argon-Water Electric Arc, Plasma Physics and Technology, Vol.2, No.3 (2015), pp.316-319.
- Hidemasa Takana, Shusaku Nakakawaji, Satoshi Uehara and Hideya Nishiyama, Nano Powder Transportation by Combining Plasma Actuation and Electrostatic Mixing in a Tube, Journal of Fluid Science and Technology, Vol.10, No.2 (2015), 15-00241 (10 pp).
- O.P. Solonenko, H. Nishiyama, A.V. Smirnov, H. Takana and J. Jang, Visualization of Arc and Plasma Flow Patterns for Advanced Material Processing, Journal of Visualization, Vol.18, No.1 (2015), pp.1-15.
- 原田真琴, 上原聡司, 高奈秀匡, 西山秀哉, 漏洩遮断のための磁場下にある分岐管内MR流体のクラスター形成と流動特性解析, 日本機械学会論文集, 第81巻, 823号 (2015), 14-00547 (10 pp).
- Hideya Nishiyama, Kei Niinuma, Shohei Shinoki and Hidemasa Takana, Decomposition of Acetic Acid Using Multiple Bubble Jets with Pulsed Electrical Discharge, Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing, Vol. 35, No. 2 (2015), pp. 339-354.
- Hidemasa Takana, Igor V. Adamovich and Hideya Nishiyama, Computational Simulation of Nanosecond Pulsed Discharge for Plasma Assisted Ignition, Journal of Physics: Conference Series (13th High-Tech Plasma Processes Conference (HTPP-2014) 22-27 June 2014, Toulouse, France), Vol.550 No.1 (2014), 012051 (9 pp).
- Jíří Jeništa, Hidemasa Takana, Hideya Nishiyama, Milada Bartlová, Vladimir Aubrecht and Petr Křenek,Large-Eddy Simulation of Subsonic-Supersonic Flow and Heat Transfer in a Hybrid Gas-Water Stabilized Arc,Journal of Physics: Conference Series (13th High-Tech Plasma Processes Conference (HTPP-2014) 22-27 June 2014, Toulouse, France), Vol.550, No.1 (2014), 012016 (10 pp).
- Jíří Jeništa, Hidemasa Takana, Hideya Nishiyama, Petr Křenek, Milada Bartlová and Vladimir Aubrecht,Quasi-Laminar Flow Characteristics in Hybrid-Stabilized Argon-Water Arc Discharge for Subsonic-Supersonic Regimes,IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, Vol.42, No.10, part 1 (2014), pp.2632-2633.
- Qing Li, Hidemasa Takana, Yi-Kang Pu and Hideya Nishiyama, Glow-Like Helium and Filament-Like Argon Plasma Jets of Using a Dielectric Barrier Configuration at Atmospheric Pressure, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, Vol.42, No.10, part 1 (2014), pp.2360-2361.
- Hidemasa Takana and Hideya Nishiyama, Numerical Simulation of Nanosecond Pulsed DBD in Lean Methane-air Mixture for Typical Conditions in Internal Engines, Plasma Sources Science and Technology, Vol.23, No.3 (2014), 034001 (9pp).
- Seiichi Sudo, Hiroki Takamatsu, Tetsuya Yano, Hidemasa Takana and Hideya Nishiyama,The Dynamic Behavior of a Micro Liquid Bridge of Magnetic Fluid in Static and Alternating Magnetic Fields, International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, Vol.45, No.1-4 (2014), pp.61-67.
- Juyong Jang, Hidemasa Takana, Yasutaka Ando, Oleg P. Solonenko and Hideya Nishiyama, Preparation of Carbon-Doped TiO2 Nanopowder Synthesized by Droplet Injection of SolutionPrecursor in a DC-RF Hybrid Plasma Flow System, Journal of Thermal Spray and Technology, Vol.22, No.6 (2013), pp.974-982.
- Jíří Jeništa, Hidemasa Takana, Hideya Nishiyama, Milada Bartlová, Vladimir Aubrecht and Petr Křenek, The Influence of Turbulence on Characteristics of a Hybrid-Stabilized Argon-Water Electric Arc, Journal of Thermal Science and Technology, Vol.8, No.2 (2013), pp.435-447.
- Juyong Jang, Hidemasa Takana, Yasutaka Ando, Oleg P. Solonenko and Hideya Nishiyama, Evaluation of Highly Functional TiO2 Synthesized by Solution Precursor Spraying in a DC-RF Hybrid Plasma Flow System, Journal of Physics, Conference Series, Vol.441, Conf.1 (2013), 012032 (7 pp).
- 高奈秀匡,西山秀哉, 内燃機関燃焼促進のための極短時間パルスDBD放電構造解析とエネルギー効率評価, 日本機械学会論文集, B編, 第79巻, 801号, (2013), pp.1005-1015.
- Hideya Nishiyama, Ryosuke Nagai, Kei Niinuma and Hidemasa Takana, Characterization of DBD Multiple Bubble Jets for Methylene Blue Decolorization, Journal of Fluid Science and Technology, Vol.8, No.1 (2013), pp.65-74.
- Seiichi Sudo, Takumi Goto, Michihiro Shinozaki, Toshiya Kainuma, Hidemasa Takana and Hideya Nishiyama, The Dynamic Behaviour of Magnetic Levitating Magnet-Magnetic Fluid Element in Alternating Magnetic Field, International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, Vol.39, No.1-4 (2012), pp.595-601.
- Juyong Jang, Hidemasa Takana, Sangkyu Park and Hideya Nishiyama, Advancement of In-flight Alumina Powder Spheroidization Process with Water Droplet Injection Using a Small Power DC-RF Hybrid Plasma Flow System, Journal of Thermal Spray and Technology, Vol.21, No.5 (2012), pp.900-907.
- Seiichi Sudo, Takumi Goto, Tetsuya Yano, Muneo Futamura, Hidemasa Takana and Hideya Nishiyama, Micro Reciprocating Actuator Using Magnetic Fluid and Two Permanent Magnets, Journal of Solid Mechanics and Materials Engineering, Vol.6, No.6 (2012), pp.555-564.
- Sota Inomata, Seiichi Sudo, Hidemasa Takana and Hideya Nishiyama, Vibration Characteristics of Magnetic Fluid Droplet Adsorbed to Magnetized Needlepoint in Alternating Magnetic Field, Materials Science Forum, Vol.721, (2012), pp. 108-113.
- Seiichi Sudo, Daisaku Asano, Hidemasa Takana and Hideya Nishiyama, Alternating Magnetic Field Responses of Magnetic Fluid Drop Adsorbed to a Small Permanent Magnet, Materials Science Forum, Vol.721, (2012), pp.102-107.
- 猪股聡太,須藤誠一,高奈秀匡,西山秀哉, 磁化された針端に吸着した磁性流体液滴の交流磁場応答, 日本AEM学会誌, 第20巻, 1号, (2012), pp.174-180.
- 須藤誠一,浅野大作,高奈秀匡,西山秀哉, 小さい円柱状永久磁石に吸着した磁性流体の界面振動の周波数特性, 日本AEM学会誌, 第20巻, 1号, (2012), pp.90-96.
- 篠原圭介,高奈秀匡,西山秀哉, プラズマチューブ内における微粒子の撹拌および搬送特性, 混相流 混相流研究の進展, 第25巻, 5号, (2012), pp.495-500.
- Qing Li, Hidemasa Takana, Yi-Kang Pu and Hideya Nishiyama, A Nonequilibrium Argon-Oxygen Planar Plasma Jet Using a Half-Confined Dielectric Barrier Duct in Ambient Air, Applied Physics Letters, Vol.100, No.13 (2012), pp.133501 (4 pp).
- H. Takana, Y. Tanaka and H. Nishiyama, Computational Simulation of Reactive Species Production by Methane-Air DBD at High Pressure and High Temperature, Europhysics Letters, Vol.97 (2012), 25001 (4 pp).
- J. Jeništa, H. Takana, H. Nishiyama, M. Bartlová, V. Aubrecht, P. Křenek, M. Hrabovsky, T. Kavka, V. Sember and A. Mašláni, Integrated Parametric Study of Hybrid-stabilized Argon-water Arc under Subsonic, Transonic and Supersonic Plasma Flow Regimes, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, Vol.44 (2011), 435204 (20 pp).
- J. Jeništa, H. Takana, H. Nishiyama, P. Křenek, M. Bartlová and A. Vladimir, Computer Modeling of Radiative Transfer in Hybrid-Stabilized Argon-Water Electric Arc, IEEE Trans. on Plasma Science, Vol.39 (2011), pp. 2892-2893.
- H. Nishiyama, R. Nagai and H. Takana, Characterization of Multiple Bubble Jet with Streamer Discharge, IEEE Trans. on Plasma Science, Vol.39 (2011), pp. 2660-2661.
- J. Jang, H. Takana, O. P. Solonenko and H. Nishiyam, Advancement of Powder Spheroidization Process Using a Small Power DC-RF Hybrid Plasma Flow System by Sinusoidal Gas Injection, Journal of Fluid Science and Technology, Vol.6 (2011), pp.729-739.
- J. Jeništa, H. Takana, H. Nishiyama, M. Bartlová, V. Aubrecht, P. Křenek, V. Sember and A. Mašláni, A Comparative Numerical Study of Hybrid-Stabilized Argon-Water Electric Arc, Computer Physics Communications, Vol.182 (2011), pp.1776-1783.
- Q. Li, H. Takana, Y-K Pu and H. Nishiyama, An Atmospheric Pressure Quasiuniform Planar Plasma Jet Generated by Using a Dielectric Barrier Configuration, Applied Physics Letters, Vol.98, No.24 (2011), 241501 (3 pp).
- T. Shibata, A. Ozaki, H. Takana and H. Nishiyama, Water Treatment Characteristics Using Activated Air Microbubble Jet with Photochemical Reaction, Journal of Fluid Science and Technology, Vol.6, No.2 (2011), pp.242-251.
- H. Takana, J. Jang, J. Igawa, T. Nakajima, O. P. Solonenko and H. Nishiyama, Improvement of In-Flight Alumina Spheroidization Process Using a Small Power Argon DC-RF Hybrid Plasma Flow System by Helium Mixture, Journal of Thermal Spray Technology, Vol.20, No.3, (2011), pp. 432-439.
- S. Sudo, D. Asano, H. Takana and H. Nishiyama, The Dynamic Behavior of Magnetic Fluid Absorbed to Small Permanent Magnet in Alternating Magnetic Field, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Vol.323, No.10 (2010), pp.1314-1318.
- H. Nishiyama, H. Takana, K. Shinohara, K. Mizuki, K. Katagiri and M. Ohta, Experimental Analysis on MR Fluid Channel Flow Dynamics with Complex Fluid-Wall Interactions, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Vol.323, No.10 (2010), pp.1293-1297.
- H. Takana, H-Y. Li, K. Ogawa, T. Kuriyagawa and H. Nishiyama, Computational and Experimental Studies on Cavity Filling Process by Cold Gas Dynamic Spray, Journal of Fluids Engineering, Transactions of ASME, Vol.132, No.2 (2010), 021302 (9 pp).
- J. Jeništa, H. Takana, H. Nishiyama, M. Bartlová, V. Aubrecht and M. Hrabovsky, Parametric Study of Hybrid Argon-Water Stabilized Arc under Subsonic and Supersonic Regimes, High Temperature Materials and Processes, Vol.29, No.1 (2010), pp.55-70.
- Hideya Nishiyama, Hidemasa Takana, Hirofumi Shimizu, Yoshihiko Iwabuchi and Yoshikatsu Nakano, Integrated Experimental and Numerical Analysis of an Atmospheric Pressure Reactive Air Plasma Jet Generated by Dielectric Barrier Discharge, International Journal of Emerging Multidisciplinary Fluid Sciences, Vol.1, No.2 (2009), pp.101-114.
- 高奈秀匡,水谷公一,厨川常元,西山秀哉, 微小空間におけるナノ・マイクロ粒子ジェットの静電加速特性, 日本機械学会論文集,B編, Vol.75, 753 (2009), pp.972-977.
- Hideya Nishiyama, Kenji Tsuri, Hirofumi Shimizu, Kazunari Katagiri, Hidemasa Takana and Yoshikatsu Nakano, Activated Air Plasma Flow Generated by Pulsed Arc Discharge for Combustion Enhancement, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol.59, 7-8 (2009), pp.1778-1785.
- Hideya Nishiyama, Hidemasa Takana, Shota Niikura, Hirofumi Shimizu, Dai Furukawa, Tomoki Nakajima, Kazunari Katagiri, and Yoshikatsu Nakano, Characteristics of Ozone Jet Generated by Dielectric-Barrier Discharge, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, Vol.36-4, (2008), pp.1328-1329.
- Jíří Jeništa, Hidemasa Takana, Milan Hrabovsky and Hideya Nishiyama, Numerical Invesstigation of Supersonic Hybrid Argon-Water-Stabilized Arc for Biomass Gasification, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, Vol.36-4, (2008), pp.1060-1061.
- Hidemasa Takana, Kazuhiro Ogawa, Tetsuo Shoji and Hideya Nishiyama, Computational Simulation on Performance Enhancement of Cold Gas Dynamic Spray Processes with Electrostatic Assist Journal of Fluids Engineering, Transactions of the ASME, Vol.130, (2008), 081701 (7 pp).
- Hidemasa Takana, Kazuhiro Ogawa, Tetsuo Shoji and Hideya Nishiyama, Computational Simulation of Cold Spray Process Assisted by Electrostatic Force, Powder Technology, Vol.185, (2008), pp.116-123.
- Hidemasa Takana, Toshiyuki Uchii, Hiromichi Kawano and Hideya Nishiyama, Real-Time Numerical Analysis on Insulation Capability Improvement of Compact Gas Circuit Breaker, IEEE Trans. on Power Delivery, Vol.22, No.3 (2007), pp.1541-1546.
- L.Z. Tong, S.Yonemura, H.Takana and H.Nishiyama, Effect of Configuration on Microdischarge Structure in a Narrow Channel, Physics Letters A, Vol.371, No.1-2 (2007), pp.140-144.
- 高奈秀匡,厨川常元,西山秀哉, 静電加速による微粒子マイクロジェットの高性能化, 混相流研究の進展,第2巻, (2007), pp. 85-90.
- L.Z. Tong, S. Yonemura, H. Takana and H. Nishiyama, Simulation Study of SiH4 Microdischarges in a Narrow Channel, Europhysics Letters, Vol. 77, No. 4 (2007), pp. 1-5.
- Hideya Nishiyama, Takehiko Sato, Shota Niikura, Genta Chiba and Hidemasa Takana, Control Performance of Interactions between Reactive Plasma Jet and Substrate, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 45, No. 10B (2006), pp. 8085-8089.
- Hideya Nishiyama, Tomohiko Sawada, Hidemasa Takana, Manabu Tanaka and Masao Ushio, Computational Simulation of Arc Melting Process with Complex Interactions, ISIJ International, Vol. 46, No. 5 (2006), pp. 705-711.
- 高奈秀匡,奥野喜裕,山岬裕之, 亜音速MHD発電機を持つクローズドループ実験装置の運転シミュレーション, 電気学会論文誌B,第125巻,第9号 (2005),pp. 907-913. Hidemasa Takana, Yoshihiro Okuno and Hiroyuki Yamasaki, Numerical Simulation on Operation of Closed-Loop Experimental Facility with Subsonic, MHD Generator Electrical Engineering in Japan, Vol. 163, No.1 (2008), pp. 25-33.
- Hidemasa Takana and Yoshihiro Okuno, Numerical Simulation on Annular Hall MHD Conversion Device under Wide Range of Operating Condition, JSME Int. Journal, Series B, Vol. 48, No. 3 (2005), pp. 389-396.
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