About Lyon Center
The Lyon Center was established in Université de Lyon in April 2018 by Tohoku University’s Institute of Fluid Science. At this center, fluid science researchers from the IFS and other Japanese institutions will conduct collaborative research projects with materials science researchers mainly from Université de Lyon. Through these collaborative research activities, we will also educate young researchers and students.
The IFS is pioneering a new type of problem-solving academic program, a combination of different academic fields with fluid science as its base, and is addressing social problems related to energy, next-generation transport systems and medical engineering. To encourage further progress and developments we established its base at Université de Lyon, a center for Europe’s materials science research and academia-industry cooperation. From here we will operate an international research unit, do collaborative research utilizing the strengths of each party, and promote world-leading human resources development.

2024.11.23, 11.30
Two students who participated in ELyT School were awarded at French presentation competitions.
- Mr. Shun Tsuchiya (B2, ELyT School 2024 student): "Prix d'encouragement de la délégation du Québec" at "2024 (XVe) Concours de français de la Maison franco-japonaise"
- Ms. Aoi Nihonyanagi (B2, ELyT School 2023 student): the 4th place at "the 6th All-Japan Student French Presentation Competition"
Tohoku University news website (Japanese) -
The 7th LyC Symposium: IFS Lyon Center Collaborative Research Forum was held in Sendai. -
ELyT School 2024 was held in Sendai.
- ELyT Workshop 2024
- The 6th LyC Symposium: IFS Lyon Center Collaborative Research Forum
- ELyT School 2023
- ELyT School 2022
- ELyT Workshop 2022
- The 5th LyC Symposium: IFS Lyon Center Collaborative Research Forum
- ELyT Workshop 2020
- The 2nd LyC Symposium: AFI-2019 IFS Lyon Center Collaborative Research Forum
- The 4th Lyon Center Seminar
- ELyT School 2019 in Lyon
- The 3rd Lyon Center Seminar
Celebration Party for Prof. Jean-Yves Cavaille: Foreign Minister’s Commendations for FY 2023 -
Mr. Bhaawan Gupta, who completed the doctoral double degree between Tohoku University and INSA-Lyon in France, received the Best Doctoral Dissertation Award from INSA-Lyon.