
A research proposal by Associate Professor Aiko Yakeno of the Aerospace Fluid Engineering Research Field has been selected as a new project for the 2024 JST CREST (September 17, 2024)

The Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) has decided on the new research projects to be selected for the 2024 Strategic Basic Research for Evolutional Science (CREST) ​​program and published a general summary. As a result, a research proposal by Associate Professor Aiko Yakeno of the Aerospace Fluid Engineering Research Field from the Institute of Fluid Science has been selected for the new research area “Creating a mathematical scientific foundation for prediction and control.”

Research title: “Nonlinear, dissipative, and random dynamics based on deterministic governing equations”

New research projects and evaluators for the 2024 Strategic Basic Research Guidelines Program (CREST)

In this first call for proposals for this area, which was launched this year, 59 applications were narrowed down to 12 through document screening, and 6 were selected through interview selection. In CREST overall, including other areas, 4 of the 32 applications from Tohoku University were selected.

Purpose: Fluid mechanics has been an important academic field from the earliest times of mankind to the present. Although flows follow deterministic governing equations, namely the Navier-Stokes equations and the equation of continuity, they have three elements: nonlinearity, dissipation, and chance, and it is generally considered difficult to understand and control these phenomena. In recent years, further academic new discoveries have been made due to improvements in computational technology, but the limitations of conventional mathematical science theories when applied to real problems have not been discussed much. From the perspective of economic security, the creation of a mathematical and scientific foundation for predicting and controlling fluid mechanics is an urgent issue. In this research proposal, we will develop the research exchanges that have been conducted so far between the Institute of Fluid Science, Tohoku University, the Advanced Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University, and the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto University, and will conduct research on predicting and controlling nonlinear, dissipative, and chance dynamics using deterministic governing equations as an interdisciplinary field of mathematics and engineering. We hope to use the latest mathematical science to elucidate and control physical phenomena as real problems, and in the future to apply them to different fields.

Dr. Aiko Yakeno (Institute of Fluid Science, Tohoku University)

Main collaborators:
Dr. Shunsuke Kano (Tohoku University Center for Co-Creation of Society in Mathematical Sciences)
Dr. Isao Ishikawa (Ehime University Data Science Center)

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