Research Introduction

The Institute of Fluid Science (IFS) has upheld “Research First” principle and the tradition of “Practice-Oriented Research and Education” at Tohoku University since this institute’s inauguration in 1943 as the Institute of High-Speed Mechanics, and has pledged commitment to the formation of theories regarding fiow, as well as applications thereof.

IFS consists of three research divisions and two attached research centers : Creative Flow Research Division, Complex Flow Research Division, Nanoscale Flow Research Division, and attached Global Collaborative Research and Education Center for Integrated Flow Science (IFS-GCORE), and attached Lyon Center.

Research Results

Research Results

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Original Papers (English)※1 217 164 189 172 189
Original Papers (other than English) 5 9 15 10 6
Presentations at International Conferences ※2 388 303 309 329 333
Presentations at Domestic Conferences 261 256 296 283 290
Total 871 732 809 794 818
Original papers refer to the papers published in the peer-reviewed academic journals, highly evaluated academic journals that are equivalent to the above journals, or in the proceedings. They also refer to the short notes, preliminary reports, invited papers or tutorial papers. They do not include proceedings, papers, summaries of lectures or abstracts without peer review.
It does not include above-mentioned original papers.

International Collaborative Researches

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Individual Collaborative Researches 60 51 52 ※3 ※3
Publicly Offered Collaborative Researches 56 60 70 50 51
Leadership Collaborative Researches 3 5 0 3 3
Total 119 116 122 53 54
Not calculated due to changes in Tohoku University database specifications.