2024.12.17Mr. Jiun-Shian Lee (Biological Nanoscale Reactive Flow Laboratory, D2) has received the “Excellent Poster Presentation Award” at the 8th Japan-Taiwan Workshop on Plasma Leading Science and Technology (8th JTPL 2024) (2024/12/15).Mr. Jiun-Shian Lee (Biological Nanoscale Reactive Flow Laboratory, D2) has received the “Excellent Poster Presentation Award” at the 8th Japan-Taiwan Workshop on Plasma Leading Science and Technology (8th JTPL 2024).Title: Current Induced by High-speed Nanodroplets Impinging on Copper PlateRelated Links: Biological Nanoscale Reactive Flow LaboratorySato & Liu Lab. Contact:Prof. Takehiko SatoBiological Nanoscale Reactive Flow Laboratory,Institute […]
2024.12.02Professor Atsuki Komiya and his research group (Heat Transfer Control Laboratory) has received the “Best Paper Award” at the 34th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena (ISTP-34).Professor Atsuki Komiya and his research group (Heat Transfer Control Laboratory) has received the “Best Paper Award” at the 34th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena (ISTP-34).This award is given to papers that have been submitted for oral presentation at ISTP-34 through a proper peer review process. In total, 267 applications were received, of which 5 […]
2024.07.16Professor Samuel L. Manzello, with the Institute of Fluid Science, Tohoku University and Reax Engineering, USA, was awarded the “2024 Jack Bono Award for Engineering Communication” from the Society of Fire Protection Engineers (SFPE) Foundation (2024/7/15).Professor Samuel L. Manzello, with the Institute of Fluid Science, Tohoku University and Reax Engineering, USA, was awarded the 2024 Jack Bono Award for Engineering Communication from the Society of Fire Protection Engineers (SFPE) Foundation. The Jack Bono Award for Engineering Communications for 2024 is awarded based on the best paper published in the journal […]
2023.12.06Stanford University’s Top 2% List of the World’s Scientists Includes 13 from Institute of Fluid ScienceStanford University’s Top 2% List of the World’s Scientists* includes 13 scientists from Institute of Fluid Science, including emeritus professors and others. doi: 10.17632/btchxktzyw.6
2023.11.06Ms. Airi Nakayama (Biological Nanoscale Reactive Flow Laboratory, M2) has received the “Best Poster Award” at the 7th Taiwan-Japan Workshop on Plasma Life Science and Technology (TJPL7) (2023/10/28).Ms. Airi Nakayama (Biological Nanoscale Reactive Flow Laboratory, M2) has received the “Best Poster Award” at the 7th Taiwan-Japan Workshop on Plasma Life Science and Technology (TJPL7).Title: Cellular Response to Plasma-generated Electrical and Chemical StimulationRelated Links: Biological Nanoscale Reactive Flow LaboratorySato & Liu Lab. Contact:Prof. Takehiko SatoBiological Nanoscale Reactive Flow Laboratory,Institute of Fluid Science,Tohoku UniversityTel […]
2023.11.02Mr. Jiun-Shian Lee (Biological Nanoscale Reactive Flow Laboratory, D1) has received the “Excellent Poster Award” at the 7th Taiwan-Japan Workshop on Plasma Life Science and Technology (TJPL7) (2023/10/28).Mr. Jiun-Shian Lee (Biological Nanoscale Reactive Flow Laboratory, D1) has received the “Excellent Poster Award” at the 7th Taiwan-Japan Workshop on Plasma Life Science and Technology (TJPL7).Title: Characteristics of Plasma-Activated Microbubbles Generated by Spiral Slotshape Electrode in a Venturi tubeRelated Links: Biological Nanoscale Reactive Flow LaboratorySato & Liu Lab. Contact:Prof. Takehiko SatoBiological Nanoscale Reactive Flow […]
2023.06.01Mr. Takuma Koizumi (Heat Transfer Control Laboratory, D1) has received the “Best Presentation Award” at the 60th National Heat Transfer Symposium of Japan (2023/5/26).Mr. Takuma Koizumi (Heat Transfer Control Laboratory, D1) has received the “Best Presentation Award” at the 60th National Heat Transfer Symposium of Japan.Presentation title: Evaluation of the impact of buoyant impinging jet with low Reynolds number on the natural convection thermal boundary layer (低レイノルズ数浮力衝突噴流が自然対流温度境界層に与える影響評価)Related Links:The 60th National Heat Transfer Symposium of Japan (in Japanese)Heat Transfer […]
2023.06.01Mr. Mizuho Ono (Heat Transfer Control Laboratory, D2) and Mr. Takuma Koizumi (Heat Transfer Control Laboratory, D1) have received the “Best Presentation Award” at the 10th Early Career Researchers Ensemble Workshop (2023/5/12).Mr. Mizuho Ono (Heat Transfer Control Laboratory, D2) and Mr. Takuma Koizumi (Heat Transfer Control Laboratory, D1) have received the “Best Presentation Award” at the 10th Early Career Researchers Ensemble Workshop.Mr. Mizuho OnoPresentation title: 第一原理計算によるパルス光に対する物質の応答速度の評価Mr. Takuma KoizumiPresentation title: 低レイノルズ数浮力衝突噴流による共鳴現象を用いた伝熱促進Related Links:The 10th Early Career Researchers Ensemble Workshop Heat Transfer Control LaboratoryKomiya Lab.Contact:Prof. Atsuki KomiyaHeat Transfer Control […]
2022.12.27Mr. Ryuhi Mukai (M1 student of Heat Transfer Control Laboratory) has been awarded the “Best Presentation Award for Young Researcher” in the 19th International Conference on Flow Dynamics (ICFD 2022) (11 November 2022).Mr. Ryuhi Mukai (M1 student of Heat Transfer Control Laboratory) has been awarded the “Best Presentation Award for Young Researcher” in the 19th International Conference on Flow Dynamics (ICFD 2022) (11 November 2022).Presentation title: Visualization of Acetone Diffusion in Highly Pressurized CO2 using Phase-shifting InterferometerRelated Links: Heat Transfer Control laboratoryKomiya Lab.Contact:Prof. Atsuki KomiyaHeat Transfer Control Laboratory,Institute […]