Nanoscale Flow Research Division
Biomolecular Flow Systems Laboratory
Concurrent ProfessorTakashi Tokumasu
Associate ProfessorTakuya Mabuchi
The research involves theoretical and computer simulation studies of biomolecular systems. Current research activities span both development of new computational methods and theoretical characterization of proton transport and protein phase behavior in biomolecular systems at multiple length scales. For example, to probe complex transport phenomena of protons, a reactive model has been developed within the simplicity of the theoretical framework of classical molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. Proton transport through complex structure such as transmembrane ion channels are one of our research interests. Protein phase behavior (i.e, aggregation, self-assembly, and liquid–liquid phase separation) in aqueous solutions are also of our research interest. Computational studies can assist in the challenge of designing the artificial ion channels. Our research is thus often carried out in close collaboration with leading experimentalists and is integrated in a feedback loop with experiments.
Reactive transport mechanisms of protons in nanopores
Transport of protons (H+) and hydroxide ions (OH–) requires consideration of a complex mechanism involving chemical reactions with water molecules, known as the Grotthuss mechanism, unlike other ions. Additionally, these ions move through water hydrogen bonding networks that are significantly influenced by confined pore structures, making them difficult to understand experimentally. Therefore, in this study, we utilize reactive molecular dynamics simulations based on quantum chemical calculations to elucidate the correlation between water domain structures and ion conduction mechanisms.
Proton transport via Grotthuss mechanism
Proton transport via Grotthuss mechanism
Development of artificial ion channels with selective permeability
We aim to construct artificial ion channels with selective permeability using DNA nanotechnology. This technique allows for precise design of the channel structure by engineering DNA base sequences, offering a high degree of flexibility in fabrication design. Through molecular simulations, we investigate not only the transport mechanisms of small molecules within DNA nanopores but also the stability and dynamics of membrane-spanning DNA nanopores to lipid bilayers (liposomes). This research has the potential to establish various engineering applications, ranging from the treatment of intractable diseases related to ion channels to enhancing substance storage and developing environmental remediation materials.
Molecular simulations of membrane-spanning DNA nanopore
Molecular simulations of membrane-spanning DNA nanopore
Liposome formation using coarse-grained molecular simulations
Liquid-liquid phase separation using artificial polypeptides
Biomolecules such as proteins and RNA are known to undergo liquid-liquid phase separation, forming liquid droplets or gel-like structures within cells through self-assembly. It is believed that cells regulate various life phenomena such as transcription, translation, and signal transduction by converting biomolecules into liquid droplets. We focus on theoretically designing artificial coacervates using artificial proteins, such as elastin-like polypeptides (ELPs), to encapsulate specific molecules into liquid droplets. This research is closely linked to material selection, separation, and concentration technologies, with broad applications across industries. For example, enzyme concentration could enhance activity, leading to applications in long-term food preservation and the efficient synthesis of pharmaceutical proteins.
Elastin-like polypeptides (ELP) coacervate formation
RNA partitioning in the ELP coacervate
Elastin-like polypeptides (ELP) coacervate formation
RNA partitioning in the ELP coacervate